The fruit is in season but there is still the worry of consuming, price

The fruit is in season but there is still the worry of consuming, price

The second quarter of 2022 is the time of many kinds of fruit trees across the country, especially the southern provinces entered the harvest season, but the consumption along with the price is the big problem.

Southern fruits are about to be harvested, but consumption and price are not easy problems to solve

This is also the reason for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to organize an online conference “Promote production and consumption of agricultural products in the provinces, Southern Citadel” on 8/5.

Based on the forecast that consumption will face difficulties as China continues to maintain its policy “accelerate processing as well as reopen”, The country's epidemic prevention measures slow down the export progress, causing congestion at the border gate, affect domestic consumption. Besides, The domestic fruit processing capacity is still limited, mainly export fresh fruit, if you face difficult conditions when exporting, then it will be extremely difficult to consume, Deputy Director of Cultivation Department, Mr. Le Thanh Tung raised obstacles in fruit consumption in the second quarter of 2022.

Same opinion with Mr. Le Thanh Tung, Mr. Le Thanh Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Product Processing and Market Development (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), said in 2 last month, main border gates in Quang Ninh, Lao Cai's closure due to China's detection of Covid-19 has put great pressure on Vietnam's agricultural exports.

Not to mention, The Chinese side's online check on Covid-19 control shows that many Vietnamese export enterprises are still subjective., did not comply with regulations on epidemic prevention when bringing goods to your country. The bottleneck in fruit and vegetable export is also in the stage of Covid-19 inspection, Because it is not due to plant quarantine, enterprises need to strictly control the production process, Avoid cross-contamination of Covid-19 on packaging, product, into containers…

As for the EU market, Although Vietnamese vegetables and fruits are benefiting from tax incentives, they have grown well in the past year. However, in recent times, there has been a problem that the EU has increased the frequency of testing for dragon fruit and spices from 10% up 20% causing exports to decrease.

Faced with the above difficulties, Mr. Le Thanh Tung proposed to step up the assessment and grant of codes for fruit growing areas to strengthen the management of planting areas, keep abreast of production, quality of each fruit; directing the fruit crop (Fruit and vegetable exports welcome good news at the beginning of the year, mango, label, Rambutan, durian) Flexible to suit the consumption situation. At the same time, continue to connect businesses to buy fruits; development of preservation and processing segment.

About the congestion at the border gate, Mr. Le Thanh Hoa recommends localities, tracking business, Update information at the border gate to properly coordinate fruit to the border.

Before the comments, the solution given by the delegates, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan gave a guiding opinion. According to the Commander of the Agriculture Sector, localities should not “lament” but need to find solutions to move towards sustainable agricultural production, improve the competitiveness of farmers.

“Need to reorganize production to adapt to market changes, Don't let when the border gate with China is open, everything will return to the way it was. The current, Many businesses are still thinking about jumping to their feet, I still think China is an easy market, so I don't change to adapt. Need to look at how Thailand's fruit and vegetable industry adapts to the policy “accelerate processing as well as reopen” of China so their exports are less affected. They seek to meet regulations to control Covid-19 in the fruit production chain while Vietnam can only hope to negotiate for China to ease regulations.”, Minister Le Minh Hoan frankly commented.

Finally, Minister Le Minh Hoan shared that market rules are not always what you want, Therefore, agricultural production models need to save costs, help increase business efficiency should be spread, replication.

Are known, according to estimates of the Department of Crop Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), The total output of main fruit trees in the South in the second quarter of 2022 will reach about 1,5 million tons, about . higher than the first quarter 137.000 tons due to some seasonal fruits such as: Fruit and vegetable exports welcome good news at the beginning of the year, banana, label, Rambutan, durian… So this will be a pressure on consumption as well as price.

Source: https://nongnghiephuucovn.vn/trai-cay-duoc-mua-nhung-con-do-noi-lo-tieu-thu-gia-ca

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