Author Archives: Vitad Agri

Arabica Hone – Potential coffee products of Son La

Arabica Honeson is famous for many fruits like plums, butter, cam, Label ... but according to Ms. Tong Thi Mai – Chairman of Phieng Tam High -tech Agricultural Service Cooperative, nest 3, The income is income from these fruits that are far behind the income from coffee.

Meeting on the implementation of the Café Hone Café Hone Project

The begin of the year 2025, At the meeting room 102, number 24 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam Institute of Agricultural Technology Application and Development (VITAD-AGRI) solemnly welcomed the delegation of Cooperative Cooperatives of Phieng Tam High -tech Agricultural Services, copy, Son La came to work on the project of implementing the local Café Hone Café Project. Attending the meeting were Mr. Pham The Quoc, The person who is considered a pioneer in bringing lychee to the Central Highlands achieved satisfactory results; Dr. Le Duc Tho, National Department of Science and Technology Information (Science and technology), Technical training expert.

Here, Ms. Tong Thi Mai, on behalf of the Cooperative of Phieng Tam High -tech Agricultural Service, introduced the type of coffee that the cooperative has planted, Harvesting and processing finished products, Expected registration of Arabica Hone trademark. This is a coffee originating from Germany, has a rich essence, A pleasant aroma, popular with Son La people, create jobs for many people and income higher than other plants, Accordingly, up to now, the coffee area has been up to 280 he has, fold 3 The area of ​​plum growing area and other fruits. The cooperative hopes to build a reputable and popular brand in the North, Gradually reaching out throughout the country and towards export.

Logo of Café Arabica Hone

Mr. Lo Van Dung, Director of Quang Vinh Tourism and Trading Import -Export Company Limited – A member of the cooperative provides some important information about the market for consuming Arabica Hone coffee products in many localities in Son La province.

Mrs. Leo Thi Anh, The person directly harvesting and processing Café Arabica Hone also offers some pictures and introducing this type of coffee production process, At the same time introducing the actual product, It shows that this is an attractive drink for all precepts, All ages. Gentle coffee flavor, The characteristic of coffee from Europe is typically Germany.

Arabica Hone coffee is planted, Harvest and processing in the village

Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Pham Dinh Nam, The Director of the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Agricultural Development said that this is a potential project, Especially in the current situation, the State is focusing on organic agriculture development, stipulated in Circular 109/2019/TTg. Therefore, the cooperative should soon deploy the registration of label protection, Change product packaging by new logo, Training for people on organic agricultural technology, Develop product promotion plan: Website establishment, Fanpage social networks and top video platforms like YouTube, Tik tok ... towards the product on display at the centers, Big Guest House of Hanoi as Government Guest House, National Convention Center ...

Dr. Pham Dinh Nam spoke at the meeting

Also at the meeting, Mr. Pham The Quoc shared the experience of successful litchi growing in the Central Highlands; Dr. Le Duc Tho also introduces some modern technologies in planting and processing coffee in the world that can be applied to practice in the village., Son La.

On behalf of the Phieng Tam High -tech Agricultural Service Cooperative, Ms. Tong Thi Mai thanked the Institute of Vietnamese Agricultural Technology and Agricultural Development for welcoming and enthusiastically advising the project, Looking forward to experts supporting human resource training on organic agricultural technology and consulting, Support registration of certificates of all kinds so that the cooperative can proactively plant and export coffee to meet the current organic standards.

Respond, Mr. Pham Dinh Nam, The Director of the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Agricultural Development is committed to accompanying the Cooperative to implement the project., Believing the brand of Café Arabica Hone will have a firm foothold in the Vietnamese coffee market, Reaching the area, continent and world.


content: Le Ngoc Thanh Vinh

Image: Nguyen Thi Bich Hong


Circulating agriculture, Sustainable environment and inspiration for development

Xuan At Ty 2025 Welcoming important historical events of the Agriculture sector – Rural development and resource sector – Environment: Mái nhà chung mang tên Bộ Nông nghiệp và Môi trường. Xuan At Ty 2025, The year of the snake brings deep meanings of agriculture, environmental.

With agriculture, rắn là người bảo vệ thầm quiet", It is a natural enemy that helps to naturally control crops like rats, Restrict visitors, bird. With the environment, rắn là "Biological sensor" phản ứng sớm với biến đổi thời tiết, disaster, pollution and contribute to protecting biodiversity, Balance ecosystem, Protect natural resources for the next generation. With culture, Wet rice civilization, Snakes symbolize innovation and development. Good results, outstanding achievement, not from peace or stay in the old way, mà đến từ sự "Makeover", proactively change, To receive the future.

Snake. People change their minds, Action for success. Organization, The apparatus arranged for a faster operation, more smooth. The goal of the two sets merged, reorganize the internal units, Determination of reasonable duties and functions, science, Towards streamlining, performance, efficiency, effective.

Green value, Sustainability is no longer a trend. Reducing emissions, Optimize production process, Limiting the negative impact on the environment ... no longer the slogan, or recommend for the future, Which was present in all activities of production, daily activities.

Consumers are not only interested in quality, price…, but focus on the overall production process, How to create agricultural products, About the process of transporting agricultural products, from the field, pond ... to the dining table, ensure safety standards, Environmentally friendly? And the emotional story, Unique of the farmer itself, of the countryside, know how to protect your health, community, Know how to preserve the living environment for the next generation.

So, The force of the two industries, The cohesion of production management functions and agricultural economy, Rural development, With the general management function of natural resources and environment, both adapting promptly with the global trend, Just create new value space according to the circulating and sustainable trend.

From the circulating economic perspective, The new value is higher, more sustainable, Open up opportunities, Development of development for agriculture and environment. Go to detailed description, nông nghiệp tuần hoàn là “Agricultural production model, In which resources like land, country, energy, And the waste is used effectively and continuously reuse. The goal is to minimize costs, bảo vệ môi trường và tối ưu hóa productivity. In this model, Agricultural waste such as fertilizer, straw, Or the animal is recycled or reused as a resource for the next production activities, Create a self -sufficient and sustainable ecosystem ”.

In the interpretation of the above -mentioned agricultural model, There are remarkable keywords like: “Agricultural production, resources, environmental Protection, Recycling agricultural waste into resources…”. That shows, Agricultural management functions, Production management and general management function on climate change, resource management, environmental Protection, Nature preservation, biodiversity, Previously separated independent in two different industries, now, Connected to become one. It is true from either (One thing is in two industries), nay hợp nhất "Two is one".

The new values ​​begin to be formed from this unity. Instead of dealing with expensive agricultural waste due to additional costs, Now recycled, Reuse into resources, Create new products, Increasing added value for agricultural production and brand of agricultural products. The environment and daily life has become more fresh and safer.

Before, The management of resources is based on renewable resources or natural resources, The circulatory agriculture can now create new resources, With the new life cycle, New value. So, Economic thinking in agriculture and the environment, once again, associated with the approach that involves green values, responsibility, lasting.

Switch from production thinking to economic thinking, Switch from linear economic thinking to circulating economic thinking with green agriculture goals, Green environment in the green economy. Tư duy kinh tế tuyến tính theo mô hình "Exploit – Manufacturing – Consumption – Discharged ", As a result, the natural resources are excessively exploited, Increased waste, polluted environment. Tư duy kinh tế tuần hoàn theo mô hình "Minimize – Reusing – Recycling ", hay “Phụ phẩm của quy trình sản xuất này có thể trở thành nguyên liệu The main of the next production process ”, giúp giảm khai thác tài nguyên, Reduce garbage, Save production costs, Promote creativity, Optimize short -term profits and long -term benefits.

Say simplicity, Linear thinking can be imagined as every segment of growth, Clearly determining the first point (Often exploitation), end point (Usually discharged), The time is, Depending on the stage, rise, When low when high. And circulating thinking can be imagined as a circle connected throughout – The result of this process is the input of the next process, Like a spiral development integrated and multi -layered accumulation.

Circulating economic thinking is not only a agricultural production strategy, but also a resource optimization management philosophy, Environmental protection and sustainable development. With the goal of minimizing waste and maximizing the value of diverse resources, Weekly thinking not only brings economic benefits, Bring more income to farmers, but also contributes to protecting the ecosystem and building a modern agriculture.

This is similar to natural ecosystems, Where resources are circulating and regenerating without being wasted. The circulating agricultural models combine cultivation, breed, Fisheries and waste treatment technologies to minimize negative impacts on the environment. Natural and environmental factors are combined in each project, strategy, Scientific research, Agricultural human resource training.

When circulating thinking in agricultural management and smooth operation environment, Proposing policies to promote green economy will be more convenient and convincing. Agricultural science studies associated with the environment will create synchronous research products, multi -target. Agricultural production models are diversified, Environmental impact factors are calculated overall, Encourage the combination of cultivation, Breeding and aquaculture. Integrating and connecting remote sensing data, Meteorology and Hydrology, Artificial intelligence applications will solve crop problems in cultivation, breed, small scale…, Protect aquatic resources, Forestry and quality control, biodiversity, Integrated multi -layered data for irrigation field, Disaster Prevention, hạn hán và kiểm soát hạn mặn.

In agriculture and environment, Land resources, Water and energy are always limited, difficult to regenerate. Thinking "Less to get more" – minimum, Maximum results, Towards the most effective use of resources, Minimize waste and encourage reuse of resources: Water reuse, Fertilizers from agricultural waste, or renewable energy from biomass. Thinking "Less to get more" mở rộng không gian quản lý chuỗi cung ứng hiệu quả, Not only interested in production, but also ensure the resources and products are used and reused effectively.

Agricultural and environmental management is improved in a comprehensive direction, Systematic and close cohesion. Environmental protection, Reasonably use resources and ensure food security for future generations, become a consistent and throughout target.

Scheme 1 Trieu Hec-ta specializes in high quality rice cultivation, Reducing emissions, associated with green growth, The circulating agriculture in the Mekong Delta is a vivid demonstration of the cohesion between agriculture and the environment. Rice goods industry, despite growing and miraculous development, But there have been many consequences: Soil environment degradation, country, air. When combining rice production goals with the goal of preserving the environment, rice industry, From resource -intensive, has turned to improvement and resource regeneration, Ensure environmental quality.

The circulating economy in the rice industry will create new values ​​from straw, Create mushroom growing industry on straw, construction materials, energy from straw… A part of straw has been chopped and buried back to the field, Create a source of organic fertilizer for the next crop. All by -products of the rice industry are used effectively, There will be no more bronze burning causing emissions, environmental pollution.

Narrow industry, narrow circulation, low value. Multi -sector, Wide circulation, high value. Multi -sector, multi -field, cyclic, lasting, Outstanding value comes from closely cohesion, Adoption between agriculture and the environment. The revolution on the arrangement of the apparatus will lead to a revolution of system management and system action thinking in agriculture and environmental sector..

Inspiration for development thanks to agricultural and environmental forces should be widely spread to the agricultural business community – environment, Go to cooperatives, to farmers, to the rural community. Society needs agricultural multi -service cooperatives – The environment is stronger, have better quality. Xã hội cần đến những “cánh đồng lớn” lớn về tư duy, Large mental link – co-operate, No more fragmenting my field, but even in quality, Agree on the way of thinking, making, Agree on request, standard, cultivation process, No adverse effects on the environment. Society needs agricultural products to represent dynamic farmers, responsibility, Boldly change, Know to enrich yourself, Know how to think of people around and grandchildren tomorrow.

First of all and above all, Agricultural and environmental force revolves around the core goals: Inspire interdisciplinary development, inter -field, Balance between conservation and growth, Harmonize the economic sustainable triangle – society – environment, Improve the quality of life from rural to urban, Help farmers become more prosperous.

Le Minh Hoan – Do Duc Duy
Minh Phuc


There they are, Vietnam crabs grow strongly

There they are, Vietnam crabs grow strongly

The above information was provided by Mrs. Kim Thu – Shrimp market specialist (under the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers) provide.

Black tiger shrimp stands firm in the European market thanks to the EVFTA Agreement

Black tiger shrimp is considered a premium product thanks to its color, special taste, large in size and often popular in niche markets in the EU such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Virtue, France.

Expanding import and export lanes in Tan Thanh, Vietnam's black tiger shrimp exports to the EU market recorded a breakthrough growth 107% with export value reaching 24 million dollars

Ms. Kim Thu shared: Black tiger shrimp are consumed in retail and foodservice markets in Europe. Year 2020 and the beginning of the year 2021, Black tiger shrimp consumption in the EU has slowed down due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, Restaurants are closed to prevent the epidemic.

But, from the middle of the year 2021, The market gradually reopened, so the demand for black tiger shrimp in the EU market recovered and is expected to remain at a high level this year. 2022.

“The wholesale and retail sectors in the EU market favor products such as HLSO black tiger shrimp and peeled black tiger shrimp. 16/20 – 51/60, HOSO black tiger shrimp size 21/26. The recycling sector is in high demand for HOSO . black tiger shrimp products, HLSO, peeled and closed in size 16/20 – 51/60.

In the retail segment, Frozen peeled black tiger shrimp products are mainly sold as 250g . bags – 1kg. HOSO semi IQF or IQF black tiger shrimp sold as 250g . bags – 1kg or carton box from 500g – 1kg. Most retail organizations sell frozen shrimp under their own label.”, Mrs. Thu confided.

The current, Black tiger shrimp suppliers to the EU market include Bangladesh, Vietnam, Madagascar, Indonesia, India and Myanmar. Products that compete with black tiger shrimp in the EU market such as vannamei shrimp, Argentine red shrimp and wild-caught black tiger shrimp.

According to Ms. Thu, in the first quarter of this year, export (XK) Vietnam's black tiger shrimp to the EU market recorded a breakthrough growth 107% with export value reaching 24 million dollars. Vietnam's black tiger shrimp exports to the EU started to increase this year 2021, previous years, Exports still recorded a decrease. Year 2021, Vietnam's black tiger shrimp exports to the EU reached 98,5 million dollars, increase 36% compare with year 2020.

Vietnam's black tiger shrimp products are mainly exported to the EU in the first quarter of this year, including fresh and frozen whole black tiger shrimp., Frozen fresh PD black tiger shrimp, Frozen fresh EZP headless black tiger shrimp, Frozen fresh HLSO EZP headless black tiger shrimp, Fresh frozen IQF black tiger shrimp, IQF steamed black tiger shrimp PDTO, Frozen fresh HOSO black tiger shrimp, Steamed frozen shrimp CPTO…

Ms. Thu emphasized: “Vietnamese black tiger shrimp in the EU market has many competitive advantages over rival suppliers. Along with advantages from the EVFTA Agreement, Vietnamese black tiger shrimp has many growth opportunities in this market. With black tiger shrimp products going to Europe, Enterprises need to meet many quality requirements, seek an origin, chain of custody and third-party certification”.

Crab exports in the first quarter of 2022 reached 52 million dollars

While, continued growth in the quarter 4/2021, Vietnam's crab exports continue to grow well in the first quarter of 2022. The export value of crabs in this quarter reached nearly 52 million dollars, increase 62% over the same period in the year 2021. This is the highest level in 5 via, doubled over the same period last year 2019, the time before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Statistics of Vietnam's crab exports

Specifically, China, America, Japan and France are top 4 import single market (NK) Vietnam's largest number of crabs. Inside, France occupies more than 91% total export value.

According to Ms. Thu, after a year-on-year decline 2021, Vietnam's crab exports to China and Hong Kong increased continuously in the past year 3 the first month of the year 2022. The export value of crabs to this market in the first quarter of 2022 reached more than 20 million dollars, increase 104% over the same period.

The main reason is that Vietnam's seafood processing and exporting enterprises have adapted well to the policy “accelerate processing as well as reopen” of this country. This high growth has made China the largest crab import market of Vietnam

For the Japanese market, Vietnam's crab exports are continuing to grow this quarter. The value of crab exports to the Japanese market reached nearly 19 million dollars, increase 18% over the same period.

Japan is currently the largest importer of Vietnamese crab in the market that participates in the CPTPP Agreement. And also the country that maintains the continuous growth of crab imports in the past year 3 the first month of the year 2022. While, Crab exports to Australia and Singapore have continued to decline this quarter.

Ms. Thu added, in the EU market, Vietnam's crab exports also recovered after a decline last year. However, Export to markets in the bloc is not stable. France is currently the largest crab import market of Vietnam in this market block, close to 1,7 million dollars, increase 38%.

On the EU market, Vietnam's crab exporters have to compete with crab products from the UK, And Uy, Madagascar, China, Indonesia. Products that compete with crab in this market include lobster and surimi.

Remarkable, Vietnam's crab exports to the US grew continuously in the first quarter of 2022. The value of Vietnam's crab exports to this market in 3 the first month of the year 2022 close to 19 million dollars, increase 78% over the same period.

The US has fully reopened, which has helped increase demand for crabs. Besides that, Increased production costs and sea freight costs have pushed up export prices.


The fruit is in season but there is still the worry of consuming, price

The fruit is in season but there is still the worry of consuming, price

The second quarter of 2022 is the time of many kinds of fruit trees across the country, especially the southern provinces entered the harvest season, but the consumption along with the price is the big problem.

Southern fruits are about to be harvested, but consumption and price are not easy problems to solve

This is also the reason for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to organize an online conference “Promote production and consumption of agricultural products in the provinces, Southern Citadel” on 8/5.

Based on the forecast that consumption will face difficulties as China continues to maintain its policy “accelerate processing as well as reopen”, The country's epidemic prevention measures slow down the export progress, causing congestion at the border gate, affect domestic consumption. Besides, The domestic fruit processing capacity is still limited, mainly export fresh fruit, if you face difficult conditions when exporting, then it will be extremely difficult to consume, Deputy Director of Cultivation Department, Mr. Le Thanh Tung raised obstacles in fruit consumption in the second quarter of 2022.

Same opinion with Mr. Le Thanh Tung, Mr. Le Thanh Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Product Processing and Market Development (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), said in 2 last month, main border gates in Quang Ninh, Lao Cai's closure due to China's detection of Covid-19 has put great pressure on Vietnam's agricultural exports.

Not to mention, The Chinese side's online check on Covid-19 control shows that many Vietnamese export enterprises are still subjective., did not comply with regulations on epidemic prevention when bringing goods to your country. The bottleneck in fruit and vegetable export is also in the stage of Covid-19 inspection, Because it is not due to plant quarantine, enterprises need to strictly control the production process, Avoid cross-contamination of Covid-19 on packaging, product, into containers…

As for the EU market, Although Vietnamese vegetables and fruits are benefiting from tax incentives, they have grown well in the past year. However, in recent times, there has been a problem that the EU has increased the frequency of testing for dragon fruit and spices from 10% up 20% causing exports to decrease.

Faced with the above difficulties, Mr. Le Thanh Tung proposed to step up the assessment and grant of codes for fruit growing areas to strengthen the management of planting areas, keep abreast of production, quality of each fruit; directing the fruit crop (Fruit and vegetable exports welcome good news at the beginning of the year, mango, label, Rambutan, durian) Flexible to suit the consumption situation. At the same time, continue to connect businesses to buy fruits; development of preservation and processing segment.

About the congestion at the border gate, Mr. Le Thanh Hoa recommends localities, tracking business, Update information at the border gate to properly coordinate fruit to the border.

Before the comments, the solution given by the delegates, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan gave a guiding opinion. According to the Commander of the Agriculture Sector, localities should not “lament” but need to find solutions to move towards sustainable agricultural production, improve the competitiveness of farmers.

“Need to reorganize production to adapt to market changes, Don't let when the border gate with China is open, everything will return to the way it was. The current, Many businesses are still thinking about jumping to their feet, I still think China is an easy market, so I don't change to adapt. Need to look at how Thailand's fruit and vegetable industry adapts to the policy “accelerate processing as well as reopen” of China so their exports are less affected. They seek to meet regulations to control Covid-19 in the fruit production chain while Vietnam can only hope to negotiate for China to ease regulations.”, Minister Le Minh Hoan frankly commented.

Finally, Minister Le Minh Hoan shared that market rules are not always what you want, Therefore, agricultural production models need to save costs, help increase business efficiency should be spread, replication.

Are known, according to estimates of the Department of Crop Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), The total output of main fruit trees in the South in the second quarter of 2022 will reach about 1,5 million tons, about . higher than the first quarter 137.000 tons due to some seasonal fruits such as: Fruit and vegetable exports welcome good news at the beginning of the year, banana, label, Rambutan, durian… So this will be a pressure on consumption as well as price.


About 70 Chinese traders register to buy lychee

About 70 Chinese traders register to buy lychee

BAC GIANG – The lychee harvest is coming, So at this time, many Chinese traders have actively registered to come to Bac Giang to buy lychee.

Year 2021, Bac Giang people won the lychee crop

According to the Department of Industry and Trade, Up to this point there are nearly 70 Chinese traders register to Bac Giang to buy lychee in the year 2022. Currently, provincial authorities are advising, guide these traders to carry out immigration procedures according to the order prescribed by law.

Bac Giang lychee is of high quality, Beautiful codes are popular with Chinese consumers. For years, Chinese traders have worked closely with the owners of the weighing points, Vietnamese traders buy, put lychee consumption into this market of billions of people.

The fact that Chinese traders come to buy lychees from Bac Giang will contribute to creating favorable conditions for product consumption.

Bac Giang agricultural industry said, this year, favorable weather conditions, Bac Giang lychee quality forecast is better than last year, The output of the whole province is estimated at more than 160.000 ton.

Now, Bac Giang has developed two plans for lychee consumption. If the situation is like the current translation, the script will be executed 50/50 (consume 50% Internal Market, The rest is for export), which will increase exports to the US market, Middle East and European Union (ME).

And if China continues to implement the "Zero Covid" policy, it will export 30%, The rest is for domestic consumption, in which to promote consumption in trade centers and drying.


Vietnam focuses on exporting delicious rice to ASEAN market

Vietnam focuses on exporting delicious rice to ASEAN market

With a population close to 700 Large supply of foreign rice to the EU in, ASEAN is an extremely important market in Vietnam's rice export turnover.

ASEAN is a big market for Vietnam's rice imports

Dense population, have a geographical location in the area, with cultural similarities, ASEAN is an extremely important market in Vietnam's rice export turnover.

Among the countries importing rice from Vietnam, Philippines is the biggest market. Year 2021, The Philippines is Vietnam's largest rice import market with an import volume of 2,45 million tons, achieve a turnover above 1,25 billion USD, Average price 509,7 USD/ton, increase 10,7% in quantity, increase 18,5% in terms of turnover and increase 7,1% in price year over year 2020. The Philippines also occupies 39,4% in the total amount and accounted for 38% of Vietnam's total rice exports.

The first quarter of 2022 continues to record Vietnam's rice export turnover to the Philippines with 672.136 ton, equivalent 311,08 million dollars, Average price 462,8 USD/ton, increase 63,3% in quantity, increase 41,4% about turnover, accounting for 44,7% in the total amount and accounted for 42,6% in total rice export turnover.

Outside the Philippines, Vietnamese rice is also exported to other important markets in ASEAN such as: President of Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei. Inside, Malaysia market grew strongly with monthly data 1/2022 was 34.925 ton, equivalent 16,07 million dollars, increase 163,4% Although not yet recorded a sharp increase in volume, the export price and value have increased significantly with 156% in terms of turnover compared to the month 12/2021.

Currently, rice exported to the Philippines and other ASEAN countries is mainly white rice of normal grade, magnetic plate degree 20-25%, compete mainly on price. In terms of strategy, Vietnam's rice industry is gradually reducing the production and export of ordinary white rice, increase the proportion of high-quality rice production from 35-40% up 75-80% in the year 2020.

This has helped increase the price of Vietnam's rice exports very quickly in recent years, especially after the year 2020. However, with this transformation, Vietnam's rice is facing difficulties because it cannot compete on price with countries specializing in cheap rice production like Myanmar, Pakistan and India.

So, Currently, the structure of Vietnam's rice exports is continuing to shift in the direction of increasing aromatic rice varieties, specialty rice, japonica rice, High quality white rice with higher selling price and added value. Rice export target is also adjusted, estimated to be only about 4 million tons in year 2030.

Besides, to improve the efficiency of rice exports to ASEAN countries, The rice industry also has to review the import demand of each market in ASEAN, identify markets that consume high-grade rice at low prices, high-end rice consumption market, fragrant rice…

Final, Vietnam needs to take advantage of trade agreements with countries in the region, improve technology level to increase competitiveness, increase trade in services and investment.

To advise, Answering business concerns related to export, Importing rice products to the ASEAN market captures information such as: Market demand, requirements for the quality and grade of goods, payment methods, shipping method, import and export goods insurance, solve problems that may arise during the import and export process, day 5/5/2022, Trade Promotion Bureau (Ministry of Industry and Trade) coordinated with the Vietnamese Trade Offices in ASEAN to organize a consultation session on exporting rice products to the ASEAN market taking place in Ho Chi Minh City.. Long Xuyen, An Giang province.

During the consultation session, Mr. Pham The Cuong, The Vietnamese trade counselor in Indonesia will inform about the situation of the Indonesian rice market and opportunities for Vietnamese exporters.. Ms. Le Thi Phuong Hoa, Vietnam's trade counselor in Laos will share about rice products in Laos market; Ms. Tran Le Dung, The first secret in charge of the Vietnam Trade Office in Malaysia will raise some issues to keep in mind when exporting rice to Malaysia; Mr. Cao Xuan Thang, The representative of the Vietnam Trade Office in Singapore will introduce the situation of the Singapore rice market in the crop year 2021 – 2022; Mr. Nguyen Thanh Huy, In charge of the Vietnam Trade Office in Thailand will share some planting experiences, Thailand's rice harvest with Vietnamese enterprises.


The market for agricultural, forestry and fishery products has been opened up, extend

The market for agricultural, forestry and fishery products has been opened up, extend

According to the General Statistics Office, agricultural production in the month 4/2022 focus on taking care of winter-spring crops in northern localities; rice harvest, winter-spring crops and summer-autumn rice cultivation in southern localities.

Breeding in the month 4 is gradually improving after the Covid-19 epidemic is recovered

Livestock production is in recovery, but facing difficulties due to the high price of animal feed. The weather in the month is favorable for planting forests, The area of ​​newly planted forests in the whole country has increased 2,9% compared to the same period last year; timber production reached 1,6 million m3, increase 5,9%.

Besides that, Aquaculture is well developed in both new stocking and product harvesting. The Covid-19 epidemic has been controlled, so the market for agricultural products is consumed, Forest Products, seafood is cleared, extend.

Specifically, about agriculture: As of date 15/4, The whole country can cultivate 2.990,5 thousand hectares of winter-spring rice; can be planted 375,5 thousand hectares of corn; 52,8 thousand hectares of sweet potatoes; 12,6 thousand hectares of soybeans; 110 thousand hectares of peanuts; 584,4 thousand hectares of vegetables.

Buffalo breeding, cow in the month 4 stable development. Estimated by the end of the month 4, total number of pigs increased 5,5% compared with the same time of year 2021; total number of cows increased 1,3%; the total number of buffaloes decreased 1,9%; the total number of poultry increased 2,2%.

As of date 24/4, The whole country no longer has blue ear disease and foot and mouth disease; avian flu is still in 5 local; African swine fever still in 27 Local and outbreak of dermatitis rash still in 4 the locality has not passed 21 day.

Statistical table on agro-forestry production, seafood month 4/2022

About forestry: In month 4, The area of ​​newly concentrated planted forests in the whole country is estimated at 30,3 thousand hectares, increase 2,9% compared to the same period last year. Overall 4 the first month of the year, The area of ​​newly concentrated planted forests in the whole country is estimated at 67,2 thousand hectares, increase 4,1% compared to the same period last year; the number of scattered planted forestry trees reached 34,8 million trees, increase 6,8%; timber production reached 4,7 million m3, increase 4,4%; Firewood production reached 6,2 million ste, increase 0,7%.

Forest damage situation 4 the first month decreased compared to the same period last year. Damaged forest area in the month 4 estimate 118,6 he has, reduction 0,1% compared to the same period last year, include: The burned forest area is 4,3 he has, reduction 77,5%; the area of ​​forest that was cut down is 114,3 he has, increase 14,6%.

Overall 4 the first month of the year 2022, Damaged forest area is 361,8 he has, reduction 25,2% compared to the same period last year, include: The burned forest area is 13,7 he has, reduction 89,8% (the area of ​​forest burned in the same period last year is 134 he has); the area of ​​forest that was cut down is 348,1 he has, reduction 0,4%.

About seafood: Aquatic production per month 4 estimated 736,4 thousand tons, increase 2,6% compared to the same period last year. Inside, aquaculture production reached 380,4 thousand tons, increase 5,8%; Other seafood production is estimated at 356 thousand tons, reduction 0,6%

Overall 4 the first month of the year, aquaculture production is estimated at 2.600 thousand tons, increase 2,2% compared to the same period last year. Inside: Farmed output reached 1.368,4 thousand tons, increase 5,3%; Mining output reached 1.231,6 thousand tons, reduction 1% (sea ​​fishing output reached 1.177,3 thousand tons, reduction 1,1%).


Organic Agriculture: New trend to increase the value of agricultural products

The replication of organic fertilizer use models not only improves yields, help farmers save costs but also help improve the land, environmental Protection.

Improve productivity and income, Save costs while helping to improve the land, Environmental protection is the efficiency brought about by organic and organic production models that have been invested by Vinh Phuc province in the recent period. 2021-2025.

These days, Su Su field right at the foot of Tam Dao mountain in Ho Son commune, Tam Dao district, Vinh Phuc province is always busy with people gathering, transportation of rubber. From after the Lunar New Year until now, The price of chayote is always high, so the farmers here are very excited.

Ms. Le Thi Chin, Lang Ha village, Ho Son commune shared, with 2 more later than that 1 year participating in the organic model of Guilin Group with the standard “5 is not”: No herbicides, no pesticides, no preservatives, No growth stimulants, No harmful chemical residues. When on duty, Average 2 the day/time the family will harvest the tops of chayote.

Model of organic chayote growing in Vinh Phuc.

If the fields of chayote are cultivated by conventional methods, only 35 – 40kg/pole/time of picking, Mrs. Chin's field yields from 45 – 50kg. With average selling price 14.000 VND / kg, Mrs. Chin can collect tens of millions of dong each month, while each season of chayote that can be harvested lasts from 7 – 8 month.

“In the past, applying inorganic fertilizers and conventional fertilizers cost from 2 – 3 million/sao, even more organic fertilizer 1 million/sao but the selling price of chayote is always higher. Su Su sells at the market with many prices from 10.000 – 15.000 VND/kg but organically grown chayote always has the highest price. About fertilizing, Organic fertilizers are not as harmful as inorganic fertilizers, but plants grow well, good quality vegetables”, Mrs. Chin said.

Faced with the increasing demand for organic products by local people, the years, Vinh Phuc province has many policies to support people in safe production. Only for the year 2021, Vinh Phuc has provided funding 45 billion VND to support farmers to build safe farming models, organically, straw treatment, environment.

Though, According to Mr. Le Van Dung, Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture&Vinh Phuc Province Rural Development, to develop more and more organic agricultural products, have a place in the market, Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development needs to authorize the Department of Agriculture&Rural rural areas stand out to grant planting area codes to production areas on a unified basis under the direction of the Ministry.

“Even products consumed in the domestic market need a growing area code, therefore, If the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development authorizes the Departments to implement, the progress will be many times faster.”, Mr. Dung suggested.

From the way of doing business in the near 20 last year, Mr. Khac Ngoc Ba, Deputy General Director of Guilin Group said that, Developing organic farming is an indispensable requirement to provide clean products, Safe for consumers, for the purpose of protecting public health; Orientation of organic production to create human values, is the trend of the future is also the goal of the enterprise.

“Enterprises are coordinating with many localities to transfer technology to farmers using probiotics, from which it is possible to produce organic fertilizer from the surrounding agricultural by-products that are being wasted. If any locality has leaders and professions interested, Organic production models will develop quickly and have strong spillovers.”, Mr. Ba said.

According to experts, in the context of fertilizer prices increasing to 200% then the price of organic fertilizer will only increase 20% – 30%, Therefore, the replication of organic fertilizer use models not only helps farmers save costs, but also improves the soil., environmental Protection.

Monitoring the organic growth of chayote in Tam Dao.

Ms. Pham Thi Vuong, Former Director of the Institute of Plant Protection said:, In fact, producing models of organic fertilizer use in many localities has significantly increased land use efficiency, The density of worms in the soil increased, strains of beneficial microorganisms also increased, reduced heavy metal content, The product has no fertilizer residue, need a good irrigation system and from year five.

“From the reality, the model of organically growing chayote in Ho Son, originally only 1 households participate but only after 1 year the area has increased 20 he has. Organic farming, farmers will be 1 letter “L” is profit, and 2 letter “H” it is happiness and revival for not overusing inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, consumers can eat clean products, safe", Ms. Vuong shared.

In the Directive on economical use of fertilizers, Balanced and efficient, Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development proposed to the People's Committees of the provinces, Cities directly under the Central Government direct the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development&Training training, the media, instructing people to use fertilizers in a balanced and effective manner, Intensify production, Use organic fertilizers, replace inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers in the appropriate ratio.

For businesses that make commitments on production, Use a balanced fertilizer, saving, efficiency in agricultural production; actively participate in production links to support, encourage farmers to increase the use of organic fertilizers..

Growing green-skinned pomelo with VietGAP standard: Sustainable direction for people in Ben Tre

Growing green-skinned pomelo with VietGAP standard: Sustainable direction for people in Ben Tre

Green-skinned grapefruit can be considered as one of the 5 specialty fruit trees of Ben Tre province, included in the group of high-quality fruit trees and identified as a key fruit tree with advantages in the economic development of the garden economy of Ben Tre province in the coming time..

The current, The area planted with green skin pomelos in the whole province is 5.904 he has, accounting for 20% fruit tree area, in which the area has been and is bearing fruit over 4,000ha, new planting near 130 he has, Up to now, the whole province has 55,5 hectares of pomelos according to VietGAP and GlobalGAP standards. Productivity is close to 12 tons / ha, Director of Pa Cop Basic Organic Farm Cooperative 47 thousand tons/year. Planting areas are concentrated in the districts: Chau Thanh, Northern Cay Mine, Giong Trom, Cho Lach and Ben Tre city.

According to the annual statistics of the province, The area of ​​green-skinned pomelo is gradually increasing and this is considered one of the crops that enrich farmers because of its high yield and high price., stability, Economic efficiency from green-skinned pomelo trees is superior to that of other crops, average for income from 400-500 million dong / ha / year. When implementing the organic model, The most difficult thing is that farmers have to really "break off" with inorganic fertilizers, need a good irrigation system and from year five, which according to production habits, People have been using it for a long time.

Mr. Huy (Chau Long commune, Ben tre) share: “My family used to only grow some fruit trees like: cam, label, durian, Mangosteen, Rambutan, but the output is poor, precarious. Year 2010, I decided to renovate the garden to plant green pomelo trees specialized in organic farming on an area of ​​2ha. At first, I only planted a few dozen roots, Later, Ben Tre was favored by nature in terms of climate and soil, suitable for green-skinned pomelo cultivars, combined with good application of technical advances, the garden is becoming more and more lush. Or 3 year, Grapefruit garden has luxuriant fruit, I was full of fruit, so I multiplied and planted several hundred roots and all got the same output.”.

It is also a favorable condition for people to change crop structure to bring high yield, help people have a stable income, soon get out of poverty. Thanks to organic farming, Green-skinned pomelo in Ben Tre is more and more popular with traders. Price of pomelos 1 range from 35.000 copper – 45.000 copper/fruit. The average harvest per year is about 60 tons of grapefruit, You can consume a ton of grapefruit every day. Profits can be earned nearly every year 1 billions dong.

Green-skinned pomelos are properly cared for for stretch-skinned pomelo varieties, thin shell

However, The Covid-19 epidemic also severely affected the consumption of green-skinned pomelo. Many provinces, Other cities practice social distancing, Traders can't come to buy, Therefore, the backlog of pomelos is quite large, which greatly affects the price, good season but depreciated.

If not consumed in time, Gardeners not only lose revenue, but also affect the care of the next crop. Because grapefruit is ripe, if you don't pick it up in time, it will dry out. Keeping the pomelo on the tree when it rains and storms easily causes the tree to fall, damage.

Mr. Dam Van Hung, Owner of Huong Mien Tay, Vice Chairman of Ben Tre Province Green Skin Grapefruit Association shared: “Ben Tre has many production linkage models, Consume on green-skinned grapefruit. The production association, Consuming according to a certified safe process has helped farmers grow pomelos steadily in the midst of the pandemic.”.

Farmers sort pomelos to bring to the factory

Despite being quite famous and supplying the market with tens of thousands of tons of fruit every year,, But Ben Tre green-skinned pomelo is still struggling with the domestic market. Although there are a lot of orders from countries like Germany, France, Canada, Netherlands, from, China… but Ben Tre green-skinned pomelo is mainly consumed domestically. The reason is fragmented production, missing link, The output and quality of pomelos are not stable, The quantity is not enough for key enterprises to sign export contracts abroad.

Video: Model of growing green-skinned pomelo in Ben Tre


Decentralization of management of planting area codes to the locality

Decentralization of management of planting area codes to the locality


At the recent conference to disseminate new regulations on mangoes exported to Japan in An Giang and Dong Thap, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Deputy Director of Plant Protection Department (Plant protection) said, The number of planting area codes managed by local Sub-departments is very large.

Conference to disseminate new regulations on exporting to Japan market held in person and online on 14/3/2022 in An Giang

From the point of view of helping people to further improve their awareness of planting area codes, as well as farming techniques “1 Both the coffee replanting program as well as the processes 5 reduction”, “3 reduction 3 increase”…, The Plant Protection Department advocates gradually handing over the codes that have been granted from the Sub-department to the district (District Plantation and Plant Protection Station, District Department of Agriculture and Rural Development).

During the transfer, Local sub-departments need to coordinate with district-level units to monitor planting area codes according to regulations, requirements of the importing country.

Annual, Provincial Sub-Department, the city will check, review the monitoring of the assigned planting area codes, with a ratio of about 10 – 15% records that the District Plantation and Plant Protection Station manages.

Provincial Sub-Department, The city will only check planting zones for which the new code is proposed. “In this process, we need to strengthen training for farmers, businesses to change perception”, Mrs. Huong said.

According to the Department of Plant Protection, The new orientation of the Department will help farmers better understand and grasp the export requirements. In the context that countries are increasingly demanding on quality, hygiene and food safety, packing, packaging, This approach will help Vietnam's agricultural industry develop methodically, more sustainable.

Along with answering questions from delegates and farmers, Ms. Huong also introduced to the participants how to look up pesticides using the pesticide lookup software on the phone.. The operations to access the database software on fertilizers and new regulations on plant quarantine of countries on the website of the Plant Protection Department are also guided by the staff of the Department of Plant Protection..

By the end of the year 2021, The whole province of An Giang is granted 236 code for 123 planting area (mango, paddy, jackfruit and banana) export. Inside, mango 195 code of 82 planting area (acreage 5.146 he has).

In this year, The Plant Protection Department organized 1 Online training course on regulations on area codes for rice cultivation 84 student turn; training 14 class for 140 officials of the District Plantation and Plant Protection Station, Agricultural Extension Station and district officials; training 20 class for organization, personal, farmer with 200 people.

In parallel with boosting exports, The Plant Protection Department also cooperated with An Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to deploy a demonstration model of biological pesticides in the field., hay “The field of dreams” contribute to protect the environment, Create a habit for farmers to reduce the amount of chemical pesticides.

The plant protection industry in An Giang has also deployed 4 model of fertilizer use in Chau Thanh districts, Tri Ton, Cho Moi and An Phu on OM . varieties 18, ABOUT 5451 and VNG-20. Result, models using less fertilizer than control fields of farmers from 100 – 130 kg / ha, Helps reduce production costs by approx 3,5 – 4 million / ha.

Plant Protection Department staff and officials, Farmers inspect mango growing areas in An Giang

In year 2022, The Plant Protection Department will coordinate with An Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to organize the event 5 training class on rice, fruit trees and vegetables. Besides, “No Footprint” models, “Sustainable Rice Farming”, The "profit factoring model" will be continued by the Department.

At the Conference Day 14/3, One of the issues that An Giang farmers are interested in is Cat Chu mango. This is an item that has been officially opened by Japan since 2015, thanks to the efforts of the Plant Protection Department in negotiating, step by step remove technical barriers, At the same time, guide localities to establish raw material areas to meet regulations on plant quarantine and food safety

In order for mango growing regions to maintain the conditions for exporting to Japan, The Plant Protection Department recommends that people constantly improve production techniques and levels, at the same time have certain understanding of this market regulation.

Bao Thang (Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper)

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