Tag Archives: SEAFOOD

The market for agricultural, forestry and fishery products has been opened up, extend

The market for agricultural, forestry and fishery products has been opened up, extend

According to the General Statistics Office, agricultural production in the month 4/2022 focus on taking care of winter-spring crops in northern localities; rice harvest, winter-spring crops and summer-autumn rice cultivation in southern localities.

Breeding in the month 4 is gradually improving after the Covid-19 epidemic is recovered

Livestock production is in recovery, but facing difficulties due to the high price of animal feed. The weather in the month is favorable for planting forests, The area of ​​newly planted forests in the whole country has increased 2,9% compared to the same period last year; timber production reached 1,6 million m3, increase 5,9%.

Besides that, Aquaculture is well developed in both new stocking and product harvesting. The Covid-19 epidemic has been controlled, so the market for agricultural products is consumed, Forest Products, seafood is cleared, extend.

Specifically, about agriculture: As of date 15/4, The whole country can cultivate 2.990,5 thousand hectares of winter-spring rice; can be planted 375,5 thousand hectares of corn; 52,8 thousand hectares of sweet potatoes; 12,6 thousand hectares of soybeans; 110 thousand hectares of peanuts; 584,4 thousand hectares of vegetables.

Buffalo breeding, cow in the month 4 stable development. Estimated by the end of the month 4, total number of pigs increased 5,5% compared with the same time of year 2021; total number of cows increased 1,3%; the total number of buffaloes decreased 1,9%; the total number of poultry increased 2,2%.

As of date 24/4, The whole country no longer has blue ear disease and foot and mouth disease; avian flu is still in 5 local; African swine fever still in 27 Local and outbreak of dermatitis rash still in 4 the locality has not passed 21 day.

Statistical table on agro-forestry production, seafood month 4/2022

About forestry: In month 4, The area of ​​newly concentrated planted forests in the whole country is estimated at 30,3 thousand hectares, increase 2,9% compared to the same period last year. Overall 4 the first month of the year, The area of ​​newly concentrated planted forests in the whole country is estimated at 67,2 thousand hectares, increase 4,1% compared to the same period last year; the number of scattered planted forestry trees reached 34,8 million trees, increase 6,8%; timber production reached 4,7 million m3, increase 4,4%; Firewood production reached 6,2 million ste, increase 0,7%.

Forest damage situation 4 the first month decreased compared to the same period last year. Damaged forest area in the month 4 estimate 118,6 he has, reduction 0,1% compared to the same period last year, include: The burned forest area is 4,3 he has, reduction 77,5%; the area of ​​forest that was cut down is 114,3 he has, increase 14,6%.

Overall 4 the first month of the year 2022, Damaged forest area is 361,8 he has, reduction 25,2% compared to the same period last year, include: The burned forest area is 13,7 he has, reduction 89,8% (the area of ​​forest burned in the same period last year is 134 he has); the area of ​​forest that was cut down is 348,1 he has, reduction 0,4%.

About seafood: Aquatic production per month 4 estimated 736,4 thousand tons, increase 2,6% compared to the same period last year. Inside, aquaculture production reached 380,4 thousand tons, increase 5,8%; Other seafood production is estimated at 356 thousand tons, reduction 0,6%

Overall 4 the first month of the year, aquaculture production is estimated at 2.600 thousand tons, increase 2,2% compared to the same period last year. Inside: Farmed output reached 1.368,4 thousand tons, increase 5,3%; Mining output reached 1.231,6 thousand tons, reduction 1% (sea ​​fishing output reached 1.177,3 thousand tons, reduction 1,1%).

Source: https://nongnghiephuucovn.vn/thi-truong-tieu-thu-nong-lam-va-thuy-san-duoc-khoi-thong-mo-rong

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