Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

6 January, 2022

This can be done through improving access to assets: This can be done through improving access to assets

This can be done through improving access to assets: This can be done through improving access to assets

The State of Agriculture and Food Global Report (SOFA) 2021 of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently published reveals the fragility of agricultural systems around the world and offers solutions on how to deal with unexpected shocks.

Countries need to make agricultural systems more resilient to unexpected shocks such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. These shocks are the main drivers of the latest global increase in hunger. According to SOFA report 2021, Without careful preparation, unpredictable shocks will continue to damage agricultural systems.

This year's State of Food and Agriculture Report is titled "Making agricultural systems more resilient to shocks and stress".. The report focuses on assessing the ability of national agro-product systems to easily respond to or recover from shocks and stressors.. The report also provides guidance to Governments on how to improve resilience.

Nowadays, about 3 billion people in the world can't afford a healthy diet. SOFA report 2021 estimated that there will be more 1 billion more people join this ranks if another shock abates 1/3 their income. More, Food costs can add up to 845 million people if there is a break in important transport links. SOFA defines shocks as “Short-term deviations from long-term trends have a significant negative effect on the system, health status, asset, Livelihoods, human safety and resilience to future shocks.” Examples include extreme weather events and outbreaks of plant and animal diseases and pests.

Even before COVID-19 broke out, The world is still not on track to meet its pledge to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. And while food production and supply chains have historically been vulnerable to climate extremes, armed conflict or increase in global food prices, The frequency and severity of such shocks is increasing.

Specific action

The World Agricultural System – the complex web of activities involved in the production of food and non-food agricultural products, as well as preservation, process, transport, distribution and consumption, produce 11 billion tons of food every year and create jobs for billions of people, Directly or indirectly. The urgency to strengthen the resilience of agricultural systems cannot be delayed.

The report also provides national indicators of the resilience of agricultural systems in more than 100 country in the world, by analyzing factors such as the transport network, commercial flow and availability of healthy and varied diets. Although low-income countries generally face much greater challenges, but the report shows middle-income countries are also at risk. For almost half of the countries analyzed by FAO experts, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times 20% Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times.

Therefore, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times.

Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times – Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, manufacturing, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times – Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times. Supporting the development of small and medium agricultural enterprises, Cooperative,… will help maintain diversity in the domestic agricultural value chain.

Another important factor is connectivity. Well-connected agricultural networks will overcome disruptions faster by changing sources of supply and transport channels., marketing, input and labor.

Final, Building the resilience of vulnerable households is critical to ensuring a world free of hunger.. This can be done through improving access to assets, This can be done through improving access to assets.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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