Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

19 August, 2020
growing rice

Promote agricultural development in the direction of commodity production

According to Ea Sup district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dak Lak province, The fields from cultivation to animal husbandry in the district have all put machines into production to increase productivity, Quantity, improve economic efficiency. Typically in rice production, the stage of making the soil is above 95%; Plant protection spraying stage reached 100%; harvest reached 100%; irrigation reaches 100%…

Field workshop on improving rice quality in Ea Ro commune


According to incomplete statistics, The entire district currently has approx 3.200 machines of all kinds. Inside, 18 combine harvester; 724 tractor; near the 1.200 motive water pump; 230 food processing machines (milling machine, classify, Polish…); 65 motorized spray ...
A typical example is in Ea Bung, This is a pure agricultural commune, so the local authorities pay special attention to applying scientific and technical advances, plant restructuring, pet, building agricultural production models for high economic value.
Ms. Hoang Thi Hang, Commune Farmers Association chairman said, now, The rate of mechanization in agricultural production of the commune is above 95%. Implement agricultural restructuring towards increasing added value and sustainable development, models appeared in the commune, mirror production, Good business brings high income, contribute to economic development – local society.
Along with investment in mechanization in agricultural production, The district is also focusing on branding a number of strong local agricultural products. In order to link rice production in a sustainable direction, Organic, month 8-2019, Cooperative (HTX) Rice Ea Soup was established with 15 members are farmers in the area. Through the N25 rice variety test, the rice yield was long, white, sticky rice, suitable for farming conditions, The cooperative has mobilized the members to organize production 60 ha using new rice varieties with a commitment to product sales.

Mr. Do Duc Thiem, a member of the cooperative said, when joining a cooperative, The members are guided to cultivate according to the process, using organic fertilizers to replace inorganic fertilizers; taking biological drugs, Minimize the spraying of harmful pesticides, ensuring safe rice grain quality. Besides that, when participating in production, Farmers are supported with seeds, deferred payment fertilizer, technical guidance, output consumption with stable prices.

Along with rice, to increase the value of mangoes, One of the Ea Soup's specialty fruit trees, 15 specialized mango farmers in the village 10 (Ea Bung commune) Ea Sup mango cooperative established with the above cultivated area 25 he has. Ea Sup mango cooperative maintains its operation under the model of self-managed and self-benefiting member households, Cooperative stands out to find the market to consume products, sharing experiences in production, Affiliate with agents, a reputable fertilizer supplier, seedling. Join the cooperative, Members are assured about the output of the product, from there, be more bold in investing in taking care of the garden.
Mr. Tran Quang Trinh, Deputy Head of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ea Sup district said, the whole district is close 1.300 ha of fruit trees, output close 2.000 ton, in which the area of ​​mango trees accounts for approx 60%. Linkage models help farmers transform from spontaneous production to planning production, improve product value, Supplying a large quantity of goods, quality. The newly established cooperatives still face many difficulties, However, it has done well its role as a "bridge" to guide people in applying science and technology, to use new yielding varieties, High Quality, guaranteed output for agricultural products, help members feel secure in production, income stability.
(Source: Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT)

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