Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

10 March, 2021
Vietnam-New Zealand-Union-of-the-industry-industry

Iet Nam and New Zealand will promote deeper agricultural cooperation during the year 2021

Morning 24/2, Vietnam and New Zealand hosted the first High-Level Dialogue on Agriculture and signed an Agreement on Agricultural Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam. (NN&PTNT) and the Ministry of Primary Industries New Zealand. Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh and Mr. Ray Smith, Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Primary Industries New Zealand co-chaired, along with the participation of leaders of units under the Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT.

At the conversation, Both sides commit to promote the two-way cooperation in agriculture and deepening two-way agricultural trade. Vietnam and New Zealand confirmed that a strategic partnership was announced by the Prime Ministers of the two countries in October. 7/2020 has created a solid foundation for strengthening agricultural connection and cooperation between the two countries.

Speaking at dialogue, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh highly appreciated the ODA assistance projects of New Zealand won for Vietnam in various fields.: quarantine (SPS), safe vegetable development, develop high quality fruit varieties, dam and reservoir safety,… The Deputy Minister affirmed that agriculture plays an important role in the economies of the two countries. Both countries are strong agricultural producers and exporters. Establishing Vietnam Agricultural Dialogue – New Zealand and the signing of an Agricultural Cooperation Agreement will promote connectivity, two-way cooperation and trade of the two countries, in the spirit that the Prime Ministers of the two countries have emphasized in the strategic partnership dialogue.

In the past, Bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector has made great achievements, contributing to promoting the upgrade to a Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and New Zealand. High-level delegation exchange activities take place regularly. Especially, New Zealand has supported Vietnam in many major projects that are of great significance in the sustainable development of agricultural production, A typical example is the New High Quality Fruit Variety Development Project between Vietnam and valuable New Zealand 8,1 NZ $ million helps support Vietnam in selecting and creating new breeds of golden flesh dragon fruit, New farming techniques improve productivity, quality, develop the dragon fruit value chain according to the model that ZESPRI Company is applying for kiwifruit of New Zealand.

Present, New Zealand's Ministry of Primary Branches is continuing to implement cooperation activities with the Ministry of Agriculture&Rural development in the fields of choice and creation, developing high quality plant varieties, animal and plant quarantine, epidemiology and veterinary medicine, customs clearance testing of agricultural products with electronic certificates (SPS-Ecert), dam safety and reservoir operation… through technical assistance projects, Technology transfer is funded by the Government of New Zealand.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh affirmed the Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development is ready to be the ASEAN regional focal point of the Global Research Coalition on reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (GAME) sponsored by New Zealand, Focus on areas such as greenhouse gas inventory, research to mitigate the impacts of climate change and develop smart agriculture.

Vietnam welcomes New Zealand products, In particular, imported wood materials for processing due to New Zealand wood are in active geographical areas. At the same time, Vietnam also appreciates that New Zealand has opened its doors to a number of Vietnamese fruits such as mangoes., dragon fruit and rambutan. Next time, Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development hopes New Zealand will continue to open to welcome more fruits. At the same time, suggesting New Zealand to support research projects, Collaborate with the Vietnamese side to continue researching in depth the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on agricultural production and agricultural product supply chains to have specific results., as a basis for planning, coping strategy and overcoming the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Ray Smith, According to executive director of the Ministry of Primary Industries of New Zealand, New Zealand has developed one of the most efficient agriculture in the world, is famous for its research and advanced technology, safe and good agricultural practices, high product quality. He expressed his hope that the newly signed Cooperation Agreement will help build value and expand investment opportunities between the two countries..

“We realize that increased trade is not just about exporting more products, it is knowledge exchange, specialize, technology, service, and investment. This two-way exchange benefits both our countries ”, Mr. Ray Smith emphasized.

Final, Both sides affirmed their commitment to perfecting each other's market access priorities for new fruits this year so that consumers can enjoy New Zealand strawberries and squash in Vietnam as well as fresh lemons and Vietnamese grapefruit in New Zealand.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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