Science and technology are a lever to create momentum for agricultural production
Attending the meeting were Deputy Minister of Science and Technology&Mr. Phạm Công Tạc, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh and functional units of the two ministries.
Opening speech of the meeting, Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac emphasized: Year 2020 The last year is important to ensure the achievement of the goals of the implementation of the Economic Development Plan – society's stage 2016-2020, prepare to summarize the stage of science and technology development strategy 2011-2020 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 418 / QD-TTg dated 11/4/2012; as well as assess the results achieved in the directional implementation, target, KH mission&Sun phase 2016-2020 approved at Decision No. 1318 / QD-BKHCN dated 05/6/2015 of the Minister of Science and Technology&CN. The current, Ministry of Science and Technology&Industry is conducting restructuring programs&National industry towards serving practical goals of socio-economic development, strengthening defense potential and waiting for the Prime Minister's approval of directions, target, KH mission&Sun phase 10 year 2021 – 2030 and Ministry of Science and Technology&CN approved scientific programs&CN national stage 2021-2030. Year 2020 also the year that summarizes many phase coordination programs 2016-2020 between the Ministry of Science and Technology&CN with the ministries, branch. The content and objectives of the Coordination Programs should be reviewed and signed for the next phase 2021-2025. Ministry of Science and Technology&CN has issued guidance No. 254 / BKHCN-KHTC days 07/02/2020 on guidelines for planning and planning KH budgets&Sun year 2020 addressed to the Ministries, Sector clue plan. The Government has issued Directive No. 18 / CT-TTg dated 14/4/2020 on the development of the Economic Development Plan – society 5 year 2021 – 2025. Therefore, today's meeting of the two ministries not only assesses the results of scientific and technological activities over the past time, but it is very necessary to point out the issues that need to be prioritized in the year. 2021 and stage 2021-2025 to put in the plan year and plan 5 year.
After hearing the report of the Ministry of Science and Technology&CN, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the opinions of the managers, scientists, The two ministries agreed on the tasks to be implemented in the coming year and the following years: Agree on a plan to summarize the effectiveness of the Joint Program between the two ministries; signed a program to coordinate scientific activities&Sun between the two ministries for the period 2021-2025. Promote evaluation of the implementation of National Science and Technology Programs for the year-end 2020; Evaluation and approval of adjustment of high-tech applied agriculture program, National product program phase 2021-2025; Proposing the Prime Minister to add some key agricultural products to the national list of products; Strengthen coordination in quality measurement work, Agricultural intellectual property; Attaching importance to promoting coordination between the two ministries on legal documents; The two ministries agreed to soon focus on reviewing and supporting the restructuring of national science and technology programs in agriculture in the spirit of Resolution. 01, 02 government…
Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh highly appreciated the achievements of science and technology in the agricultural sector.. Science and technology have been a lever to create momentum for agricultural production, Ensure steady and stable growth, despite extreme weather conditions due to climate change, constant epidemic. Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh also highly appreciated the coordination of science and technology activities between the two ministries and suggested the coming time, Ministry of Science and Technology&Industry needs to focus resources on technological research to serve production along the value chain (Priority for deep processing) Creating added value of Vietnamese agricultural products.
Closing remarks, Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac stated: A country with more than half of its population engaged in agricultural production, science and technology must give priority to the development of agricultural production. In addition to the ongoing national programs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development may form ministerial-level science and technology programs according to priority fields.. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development considers investment projects to be included in the medium-term plan to implement tasks already approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1670 / QD-TTg., Decision No. 1671 / QD-TTg as: National botanical garden, key laboratories… Implement missions to prevent desert grasshoppers pests and plant pests; Focus on perfecting and promulgating standards, National standards to boost the export of agricultural products. From now till the end of the year 2020 The two ministries have cooperated more closely to review and summarize the Program of coordinating activities&CN, Other national programs on agriculture and rural development./.
(Source: Science and technology)