Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

16 May, 2019

Not only garlic is good for health, Garlic peel also has many great uses than you think

Not only garlic is good for health, Garlic peel also has many great uses than you think

Garlic peels have many health benefits, but not everyone knows this

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Garlic has been used as a functional food and medicine in traditional medicine for centuries. Possessing a powerful biocide is allicin, garlic is known as “natural antibiotics” because of its excellent preventive and immune-enhancing effects. Theo Live Strong, per 100g of garlic provided 150 drop, 33 g carbs, 6,36 g protein and rich in nutrients such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, C, calcium, Iron, magnesium, mangan, phosphorus, time…

However, Garlic hulls are considered agricultural waste. Recent studies have found that substances extracted from garlic peels contain bio-compounds with antioxidant activity. (can be applied in the food and pharmaceutical industries). In this study, The investigated parameters during the extraction are the temperature changes in the range 40 to 80oC in the period from 30 come 120 minute.

All extracts have been determined for the content of bioactive substances (total polyphenols, total flavonoids, anthocyanin và thiosulfinate). The concentration of bioactive compounds obtained is highest at a temperature of 60-70oC for a period of time 60-90 minute. Garlic peels are promising natural sources of antioxidants and can be used in pharmaceuticals and foods.

Many people do not eat garlic peels because of the habit of not eating the peel of vegetables. Actually, Garlic peel is completely edible and is also good for health. Theo All Recipes, Garlic peel does not contain garlic oil, so it is not fragrant, but this is a place containing many antioxidants to help prevent the aging process and protect the heart..

According to a study from Japan, Garlic peel has higher amount of phenylprôpanid antioxidants 6 times. In addition, the dry skin that covers the garlic is rich in quercetin, Helps reduce muscle inflammation and enhance anti-allergic abilities. Although the crust cannot be eaten, you can add it when cooking and remove it before eating so that the useful nutrients are absorbed into the food during cooking..

Some effects of garlic bulbs

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Treat common colds

Daily garlic supplement helps the body fight off the common cold. According to the study published in the journal Advances In Therapy, Garlic supplements every day help provide more allicin, reduce to 63% risk of flu. In particular this can reduce more 70% period of cold, like words 5 days can be reduced to 1,5 day.

Garlic's antibacterial properties are very strong, It can even help treat a sore throat when you have a cold. It can also help you reduce coughing and recover faster.

Acne treatment

Theo Medical Daily, Few people know that garlic is one of the highly effective natural topical acne treatments. The organic compound allicin in garlic has the ability to interfere with the action of free radicals and kill bacteria. In decomposition form, allicin converted to sulfenic acid, rapid response to free radicals, Helps prevent acne scars, skin diseases and allergies.


Eating garlic every day helps the body maintain a stable blood pressure level. The active ingredients in garlic have the ability to lower blood pressure similar to other specialized drugs. According to estimates published in the journal Pharmaceutical Science of Pakistan, approx 600-1.500 mg of garlic extract is effective in 24 week as the drug Atenolol that people with high blood pressure often take.

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Besides, because garlic contains polysulfides, Sulfur molecules help stimulate the production of endothelial cells, relaxes smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels, help control blood pressure.






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