Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

16 May, 2019

Gladiolus planting techniques

gladiolus (Gladiolus communins Lin) Originated from African countries and the Mediterranean region. Flowers have characteristics like: attractive designs, various colors, long gone, The branches are compact, easy to transport and favored by consumers.

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Gladiolus has been cultivated in Vietnam since the early twentieth century, concentrated in a number of provinces, into like: Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, Son La, Phu Yen, Da Lat…. The current, Gladiolus is one of the popular cut flowers in our country with the area and production second only to roses and chrysanthemums..

I. Requires external conditions

* Temperature: Thank you for the cool climate, Suitable temperature 15-27oC. High temperature, Poor growth plants with low flower quality, high pest rate.

* Light: Gladiolus is a light-loving tree, In low light, plants are susceptible to shading, small flowers, high rate of blind flowers. Suitable light intensity 20.000-25.000 lux.

* Land: The soil suitable for gladiolus is light fleshy soil, magnetic pH 6-7. Gladiolus is very sensitive to heavy metal salts, especially the high lead content.

* Country: Gladiolus is a plant that likes moisture but cannot tolerate waterlogging. Lack of water affects flower differentiation, On the contrary, if the plant is waterlogged, the plant's roots will be damaged, rotten tubers, the tree turns yellow and dies. Suitable soil moisture for gladiolus is approx 70-75%. Chlorine concentration in irrigation water <600mg / l.

* Air: Thankfully, he is quite sensitive to the air, especially fluorine gas. In areas with high fluorine concentration, Gladiolus is dry at its tip. Therefore, When choosing a planting site, avoid places near industrial zones, Brickyard.

II. Planting and care techniques

1. Like gladiolus

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Currently, in addition to production, there are some popular varieties of Gladiolus of Vietnamese origin such as Song Sac, Red square ear, Tiger tongue and some varieties originated from the Netherlands such as: Red 09, Chinon, Red color, Internet, Amsterdam ... In it is like a red lilies 09 The variety selected by the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute is very popular among growers and consumers.

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The above varieties have time to grow from 85-95 day, Tree height from 125-150cm, number of flowers / plants reached 12-16 flower.

2. Planting season

– Delta (Hanoi, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong): Autumn-winter planting (T8-T10) and the Winter-Spring crop (T11-T1).

– High Moutain area (Da Lat, three island, Sa Pa, Moc Chau): Can grow flowers all year round.

3. Cultivation techniques

* Land preparation: The land is well done, clean grass, bed (wide 1,0-1,2 m, high 30 cm, face 70-80 cm, 30-40cm groove). Should be planted on the ground has been rotated the previous crop with rice.

* Manuring: The amount of fertilizer for 1000m2 includes: 2,5-3 tons of manure + 80-100kg of lime powder + 10 kg Supe land. Slash across the bed, deep 12-15 cm, incision distance 25-30 cm, mix well the fertilizers lining down the canal and cover the soil.

* Choose bulbs: Choose a bulb with a circumference 10-12 cm has been treated to germinate (shoots and roots are even), clean from disease, not crooked.

* Treat tubers before planting: Use Mancozed solution 2%, Daconil 75WP, concentration 10g / 10 liters of water, soak in 5-10 minute, Take out and dry before planting.

* Planting density: Goods in a way: 25-30 cm, tree way tree 10-12 cm, corresponding magnetic density 20.000 -21.000 bulbs / 1000m2.

* Cultivation techniques: Rowing, set tubers, thick soil filling 5-7 cm.

4. Take care after planting

* Apply fertilizer: Divided 4 batch:

Fertilizer wave The day after planting Stage Fertilizer amount (kg)/1000m2
NPK Ure Potassium red
Wave 1 10 – 15 Trees have 2 over there 10 2
Wave 2 30 – 35 Trees have 4 over there 25 3
Wave 3 50 – 55 Trees have 6 over there 25 3 4,5
Wave 4 70 – 75 The tree is in full bloom 15 4,5
total 75 8 9

– Each time fertilizing combined with stirring, weeding, Sprinklers.

– Tree stage has 2-6 over there, need additional spray some growth stimulants such as: Atonik 1.8SL (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water), Seaweed foliar fertilizer 95% (concentration of 10g / 16 liters of water), Buffalo head 501 (10g / 10 liters of water).

* Sprinklers: Watering ensures the most appropriate soil moisture 70-75%. Avoid flooding the plant. Usually use trench irrigation after planting and fertilizing.

* Cultivation techniques, pruning

– After planting 7-10 day, sprouted sprout from the ground, proceed to remove only the extra shoots left 1 Key shoots for healthy development. Take care not to shake the stump.

– When the tree is 2-3 over there, Proceed to bed times 1, Gently apply a thin layer of soil to the base edge. When the tree is 40-50cm tall, conduct root nurturing phase 2, Cultivate high to prevent tree falling and create conditions for seedlings.

– Stake stakes: Proceed after cultivating the tree 2 prevents the tree from falling over and the flower stems from being bent. Stick the stake along the edge of the bed, Poles are separated from 1,5 – 2m, use a string to stretch and tie the sides of the bed or use a pre-woven net with a size of 10x10cm stretch on the bed surface.

III. Control main pests and diseases

1. Pests:

– Grateful often suffers from some major pests such as: Deep gray, The cavity feeds on leaves and thrips.

– How to prevent:

+ Deep gray: Manual catch at the time 6-7 pm. Use Basudin 10G concentration of 2-3kg / 1000m2 to treat the soil before planting. When densities are high, insecticide spraying with FM-tox is required 50 EC (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water), Trebon 10ND (concentration of 10ml / 16 liters of water), spray in the afternoon from 16-17h with high effectiveness.

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Gladiolus is harmed by thrips

+ The cavity eats leaves: Use FM-tox 50EC (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water), Fastox 50EC (concentration of 15-20ml / 16 liters of water).

+ Hemorrhoids: Use one of the following medications: Marshal 200SC (concentration 30 ml / 16 liters of water), Regent 800WG (1.6g / 16 liter concentration of water), Pegasus 500SC (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water), Suprathion 40EC 10-15ml / 16 liters of water.

2. Diseases:

– Grateful often suffers from some major diseases like: White leaf disease, Yellow wilt and brown spot disease. The main cause is due to fungal diseases.

– How to prevent:

+ White leaf disease: Use one of the following chemical medications: Topsin-M70NP (concentration of 20g / 16 liters of water), Score 250EC (concentration of 10ml / 16 liters of water), Validation 500 (concentration of 40-50ml / 16 liters of water), Anvil 5SC (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water),Antracol 75WP (50 -100g / 16 liters of water).

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+ Yellow wilt disease: Treat the soil before planting with Trichoderma antagonistic fungus. Use Anvil 5SC (concentration of 15ml / 16 liters of water), Benlat C (concentration of 40-50ml / 16 liters of water), Aliette 800WG (concentration of 40g / 16 liters of water).

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+ Brown spot disease: Use Zineb 80BTN (40-45g / 16 liters of water), Score 250 EC (10ml / 16 liters of water).






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