Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

16 April, 2021

Agriculture will not be struggling to plant any crops, What children to raise

Restructuring agriculture “It is not about determining what tree to plant, What children to raise because this will be corrected by the market, decision”, according to the new Minister Le Minh Hoan.

Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Le Minh Hoan responded to his interview VnExpress of his plans for the new position.

What will be your priority to direct in the near future??

– Term 5 The year was thought to be long, but the world is constantly changing, Everything changes rapidly over the years, month, even weekly, daily. So, I think I have to act now, turn new challenges into thrust, seize the opportunity in time, mobilize thinking resources inside and outside the apparatus to contribute to bringing agriculture to continue taking off; the countryside changes in a modern direction with rich identity, improve the farmer's quality of life.

Industrial revolution 4.0 is already, is and will happen at an ever higher rate. So, The first thing I care about is that Vietnamese agriculture doesn't suffer “miss the train”, And we do not judge agricultural growth solely by productivity, Quantity, it must be based on the built-in values, go into depth, have sustainability.

I think that there must be solutions to the knowledge economy to penetrate agricultural production and each farmer. The circular economy must develop further, turn agricultural by-products into products of higher added value. Value chain of agricultural products must be formed, instead of a vulnerable chain due to conflicts of interests and market events.

I hope in the near future, Vietnamese agriculture will successfully create a brand of clean agricultural products, safe and high quality. For this goal to come true, then effort, an individual's single desire, even being in the head of agriculture won't be enough, but need a hand, commitment of an entire ecosystem, including the participation of farmers, producer, enterprise, institute, school, the scientist, including media…

– Used to be Secretary of Dong Thap, How he will bring successful local experiences into the national agricultural development?

– Ago 5 year, Dong Thap goes into agricultural restructuring with a consistent viewpoint: This is not a matter of determining what tree to plant, What children to raise, how much planting, how much to feed, for this the market corrects, decision. But whatever you plant, how much planting; What children to raise, How much farming is based on three core factors is “co-operate, link, market”.

Co-operate show through the farmers, production facilities removed together “knot” fragmentation, small and small through collective economic forms, Cooperative, Farmers' Assembly… Whereby, the farmers are not out of the question, they are encouraged to join together to take advantage of the power of the masses, Cut the cost, increase quality, Applying the results of science and technology, science and technology.

Link is the connection between producers and businesses. It is vital because farmers cannot go into production without knowing where the market is, how much do you need, need products with regulations, standards like. These things businesses are very knowledgeable through negotiation channels, capture information. Knowing the market's requirements through information sharing, linkage mechanism, People will be more active in production.

Market decide both producer and consumer, So farmers and businesses need to define the market target as the top priority. Production cannot be optimized when output is ambiguous, heavily puzzling, depends on market luck.

The key is to choose your target. The previous goal was to focus on supply, try to produce more output because we think that the higher the yield, the higher the farmer's profit, the growth of the agricultural sector was greater. However, The market economy does not have that definition. Little production but quality, higher value, low cost, still have higher profits. For example, ST25 rice compared with other varieties, the yield is not as high, but its value is very high.

– What direction will agricultural restructuring be when no longer identified “What tree to plant, What children to raise”, Sir?

– We must move from a productive mindset to an agrarian economic mindset. Opinion “agriculture is an economic branch, not just pure production” will activate a variety of new approaches, add value integration, opens up many opportunities for development.

Besides that, agriculture must integrate multi-value, not unit value anymore because buyers now buy goods also care about value, the utility of the goods, product, not just the price. The market has changed, transfer from demand “satiate” sang “eat it well”, “eat clean, safe, Many nutrients”. Therefore, Production also has to divide many streams according to the needs of society. Besides solving the problem for the majority, we must respond towards “personalization” The needs of the user group have different needs.

We are assigned to the research department, creating chain of goods in each commune, The state will support the farmers, production households, preliminary processing house cooperatives, conservator, technologies, suitable technique.

– How is the role of the farmer in the orientation you outlined above??

– We want all farmers to be well trained, Training certificate issued. “Professionalization” Agriculture is an urgent requirement and helps farmers to develop more sustainably, limit market risk.

We cannot immediately have a roadmap. State must have the responsibility to support training, training, training for farmers. Dong Thap has opened such training classes, Farmers can go to school, know what is food safety and hygiene, the law of supply and demand, Sustainable Development, both production and environmental protection…

Someone will say “I didn't ask the government for anything, words I eat, hole I bear, Why does the state force me to do this, like that?”. But what if the driver has to go to school, examination, license exam because their actions affect the safety of road users, Farmers are also involved in food safety and hygiene, affect public health, impact on the natural environment.

Unsafe food due to the misuse of pesticides by farmers, The first and foremost harm is the health of the producer, consumer health, at the same time unbalance the ecosystem, the natural environment, impact on biodiversity – That is a valuable resource of the whole community, for generations of people, not just one.

So, I sincerely hope you all understand this training certification story. Knowledge is a way to help people protect themselves, responsible farming, thereby creating the brand of Vietnamese agricultural products.

Is the person who makes the product, But the farmer is weak, the season is off, output is not stable. What do you say about this?

– The farmer needs to realize that his life is up to him. Want it, The farmer must have a strong will, positive thinking, instead of coal, responsibility or rely on relying on. The current agriculture cannot follow the harmonious natural law, “looks heaven, looks land, looks cloudy” again, because agriculture farmers are facing climate change like extreme weather, greenhouse effect, depletion of water resources.

To create tremendous added value instead of progressive increase in productivity, Quantity, farmers must have knowledge corresponding to the knowledge economy. To optimize my life, The farmer must be equipped with commercial skills, technology, Biological engineering, not merely production skills. To be able to enhance their position in society, the farmer has to get out of the way of thinking only knowing “Get smart industrious”, but must develop with confidence, assert yourself, actively integrate into the community.

Besides that, the whole system must have many programs to support training, Farmers training new stage. Thinking “Each district is a fortress”; “The bright lights every man, Everyone's fields work” need to be radically changed, because only when linked together, The new farmer is no longer in a weak position.

The state will also have solutions to build “value chain of the industry”, “industry ecosystems”; Call on more investors to participate in these “Public affiliation cluster – Agriculture”. Besides that, “supply data – demand for agricultural products” will be collected and transparently progressed to the formation “agricultural product trading floor” under the support of digital technology.

When complete data is available, timely, exactly, The supplier and consumer business will have points that meet in quantity, price, time, payment methods… Policy-making and enforcement agencies also rely on this data for analysis, adjust policies to support production and development, impact the market properly, flexible, timely.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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