Dak Lak province's attraction of cultivating rice varieties ST24 brings high economic efficiency.
From the "World's Best Rice" award at the World's’s Best Rice Contest 11 (held in the Philippines), ST24 rice, Vietnam's ST25 has a strong attraction in the market. Seize this opportunity, many cooperative units (HTX) Agriculture in the rice areas of the province has started to produce ST24 seeds and achieved high economic efficiency.
Than 3 last year, Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Cooperative in Krong Ana District, Dak Lak Province has started accepting ST24 rice cultivation at the orders of the seed supplier.. At that time, ST24 rice is still quite new and not widely known, so the supplier just temporarily called it "new generation RVT" and the price is equal to the price of RVT rice.. This variety has long elongated grain characteristics, Delicious rice quality, The productivity of the cooperative in specialized wet rice areas is much higher than that of RVT, to 11 tons of fresh rice / ha (RVT is average 9,5 tons of fresh rice / ha).
After the successful test rice crop unexpectedly, The cooperative gradually expanded ST24 rice cultivation area. ST24 rice prices gradually increased compared to other hybrid rice varieties to help farmers feel more secure, exciting. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong, Director of Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Co-operative commented, compared to the rice varieties the unit has cultivated before, like ST24, adapt well, No significant pest or disease arising, Especially, chrysanthemum disease was not seen often causing damage to people in the summer-autumn crop. Recognize the high insect resistance properties of this variety, summer-autumn crop 2019, Cooperatives have converted 2 ha from traditional farming to full use of organic practices, biology with the orientation to build own rice brands for cooperatives. Time of harvest, ST24 rice is again "sought" by consumers after the effect of the "World's Best Rice Award" of ST25 rice. (Because ST25 rice is not yet on the market). So, The entire ST24 rice production produced by the organic process of the cooperative is quickly consumed at high prices, Many units have long-term supply orders.
Winter-spring 2019 – 2020, members of Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Cooperative 15 ha organic rice and more 270 ha of rice is cultivated according to normal procedures. Inside, Organic ST24 rice is purchased higher 1.000 VND / kg, Help members directly benefit from the application of safe manufacturing processes, lasting. First step, The cooperative also hired agricultural engineers to prepare its own organic process, supervise the production process to build the cooperative's own brand of rice. These are important steps for cooperatives to separately plan organic production areas in the field, meet the increasing demands of fastidious customers.
At the field of Ya To Mot commune (Ea Sup district) ST24 rice has also been successfully grown by the Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative towards organic production. Immediately after news of ST24 rice, ST25 achieved great success at the World World's Best Rice Contest 11, Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative sent members and farmers to Engineer Ho Quang Cua's house (Soc Trang province) to understand the cultivation process and buy rice seed. Here, Members of the delegation are invited to try it out 3 Plate of cooked rice from ST21 rice, ST24 and ST25 only sign with numerical order for everyone to choose the best rice dish. Coincidentally, most people opt for a plate of rice cooked from ST24 rice by a sweet grain of rice, fragrant, plasticity, Soft though doesn't change much size after cooked.
After that trip, Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative has started cultivation 2,5 ST24 ha in the organic direction and in association with Thanh Cong Agricultural Service Cooperative (Ea Sup district) grow 25 ST24 ha ha follow the normal procedure in the winter-spring season 2019 – 2020. Experimental yield of ST24 rice grown according to conventional procedures in Ya To Mot commune field is not inferior to other hybrid rice varieties, reach on 7,5 tons of dry rice / ha. With organic farming model, ST24 rice adapted and grew well, There are no pests and diseases and although the yield is only approx 75% compared to conventional farming, but the quality of rice after cooking is much better.
All ST24 rice production is provided by Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative to partners in the provincial markets, into the North and its own sales channel. Hence, The co-operative has been subsidizing farmers with higher prices than other rice varieties at the same time. Mr. Nguyen Thai Son, Director of the Poverty Reduction Cooperative Ea Sup said, The encouraging results are an important premise for the cooperative to build a chain of high quality rice production in Ea Sup district, Continue to expand ST24 rice cultivation area, especially rice cultivated by an organic process.
Can see, with many outstanding advantages of rice quality, high adaptability and resistance to pests and diseases, ST24 rice has brought remarkable economic efficiency in the areas of specialized wet rice cultivation in the province. This is a chance “yellow” so that the agricultural cooperatives in the rice fields invest to improve the value, build credibility, The brand to capture the high quality rice demand of the domestic market has many potentials today.
(Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)