Prospects of organic rice cultivation in the area of rice cropping
Hong Tien Commune (Ants bones, Thai Binh Province) is a locality with a tradition in the fishing profession. This is a resource of very high economic value to local farmers, for an income of tens of millions of dong / sao / year. For the protection and exploitation of nets, long time ago, This land has been preserved by the farmer. Year 2020, thanks to the support of Thai Binh Agricultural Extension Center, Hong Tien Commune Fisheries Service and Production Cooperative has implemented the model of organic rice cultivation in the area of rice harvesting., Initial steps bring positive results.
Hong Tien is a commune located near the mouth of the Red River flowing into the sea, so the water source here is brackish, suitable for living aquatic species, The quality and development of fried meat is also better than that of other localities in the country.
Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Fisheries Services in Hong Tien Commune said: The whole commune has 65ha of yards along the Red River which can be harvested with more 80 production households. With two harvests in December 9 and month 10 annual lunar calendar, Farmers brought in close 88 Tons of rice for close value 40 billions dong. In addition to the income from the sword, Hong Tien farmers also exploit and catch from 70 – 80 tons of natural plants. With stable market prices 70.000 VND / kg plant, people collect from top to bottom 5 billions dong. For the staff, factors: seasonal cycle, Environment temperature, salinity, tidal height… has a great effect on the reproduction of the mangrove as well as on the yield, the yield of rice harvested. Lately year, households having land exploiting mangrove have invested in embankment, canal system, sluice gates in alluvial areas along rivers create conditions for natural growth, develop. To create habitat and income, all households combine fishing, plow and sedge plant, The output per year is more than 200 tons of dried sedge, income above 2 billions dong.
However, Papyrus planting requires a lot of labor, while the labor force in agriculture is increasingly lacking, making sedge area decrease gradually. Year 2019, The cooperative experimented with rice transplanting to replace sedge with an area of over 1 ha, transplant 1 service / year, the rest of the time the land is to rest, create favorable conditions for growth and development. Year 2020, with support from Thai Binh Agricultural Extension Center, The cooperative expanded the model to over 10 hectares in Tan Thanh village. The transplanted rice in the area of the rice cropping area is traditional varieties such as Bao Thai, Castor, The yield is not high but the rice quality is good, suitable for the land. During rice cultivation, absolutely do not use chemical fertilizers, Do not use pesticides, herbicides avoid affecting larvae that are growing in the soil layer below the rice field surface. The weeding was like the room, Pest and disease control for rice is done manually. This is the guarantee factor for the quality of organic rice.
Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Seafood Services in Hong Tien Commune said more: Cultivating rice in the rice fields, plow, These objects are complementary, in that land reclamation, care and growth process, The growth of rice plants created an ideal shelter and a plentiful source of food for the orangutan, the plume grows. Opposite, the clapper, A plant for treating organic waste in the soil, water to make organic fertilizers to keep rice plants healthy, resist disease and achieve productivity, High Quality.
Mr. Tran Quoc The is one of the households participating in the model said: My house is close 2 sample of the mining area, plow. Before, I grow sedge and increase my income, just create an environment for the plant to grow. However, sedge planted for a long time makes the soil harden, with the support of the cooperative, I brought rice to replace sedge with acreage 1 form. Although the rice yield is not as high as in the field fields, it produces clean products, output by the cooperative. Especially, Rice transplantation has helped to improve the ecological environment, help the claw, the plume grows better. You have not come to the harvest yet, but you have passed the test, The density of hole is higher than that in the sedge growing area; the plague is very big, scatter, sure.
According to Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Fisheries Services in Hong Tien Commune, Some rice processing units for export contacted organic rice products when the cooperative expanded the model. With the goal of keeping the specific material areas of the locality, towards branding organic rice, The organic rice farming model in the area has initially brought about a positive effect, is expected to be expanded planning 30 – 40he has, transplant 2 rice crop / year in the coming time.