Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

26 April, 2022

Growing green-skinned pomelo with VietGAP standard: Sustainable direction for people in Ben Tre

Growing green-skinned pomelo with VietGAP standard: Sustainable direction for people in Ben Tre

Green-skinned grapefruit can be considered as one of the 5 specialty fruit trees of Ben Tre province, included in the group of high-quality fruit trees and identified as a key fruit tree with advantages in the economic development of the garden economy of Ben Tre province in the coming time..

The current, The area planted with green skin pomelos in the whole province is 5.904 he has, accounting for 20% fruit tree area, in which the area has been and is bearing fruit over 4,000ha, new planting near 130 he has, Up to now, the whole province has 55,5 hectares of pomelos according to VietGAP and GlobalGAP standards. Productivity is close to 12 tons / ha, Director of Pa Cop Basic Organic Farm Cooperative 47 thousand tons/year. Planting areas are concentrated in the districts: Chau Thanh, Northern Cay Mine, Giong Trom, Cho Lach and Ben Tre city.

According to the annual statistics of the province, The area of ​​green-skinned pomelo is gradually increasing and this is considered one of the crops that enrich farmers because of its high yield and high price., stability, Economic efficiency from green-skinned pomelo trees is superior to that of other crops, average for income from 400-500 million dong / ha / year. When implementing the organic model, The most difficult thing is that farmers have to really "break off" with inorganic fertilizers, need a good irrigation system and from year five, which according to production habits, People have been using it for a long time.

Mr. Huy (Chau Long commune, Ben tre) share: “My family used to only grow some fruit trees like: cam, label, durian, Mangosteen, Rambutan, but the output is poor, precarious. Year 2010, I decided to renovate the garden to plant green pomelo trees specialized in organic farming on an area of ​​2ha. At first, I only planted a few dozen roots, Later, Ben Tre was favored by nature in terms of climate and soil, suitable for green-skinned pomelo cultivars, combined with good application of technical advances, the garden is becoming more and more lush. Or 3 year, Grapefruit garden has luxuriant fruit, I was full of fruit, so I multiplied and planted several hundred roots and all got the same output.”.

It is also a favorable condition for people to change crop structure to bring high yield, help people have a stable income, soon get out of poverty. Thanks to organic farming, Green-skinned pomelo in Ben Tre is more and more popular with traders. Price of pomelos 1 range from 35.000 copper – 45.000 copper/fruit. The average harvest per year is about 60 tons of grapefruit, You can consume a ton of grapefruit every day. Profits can be earned nearly every year 1 billions dong.

Green-skinned pomelos are properly cared for for stretch-skinned pomelo varieties, thin shell

However, The Covid-19 epidemic also severely affected the consumption of green-skinned pomelo. Many provinces, Other cities practice social distancing, Traders can't come to buy, Therefore, the backlog of pomelos is quite large, which greatly affects the price, good season but depreciated.

If not consumed in time, Gardeners not only lose revenue, but also affect the care of the next crop. Because grapefruit is ripe, if you don't pick it up in time, it will dry out. Keeping the pomelo on the tree when it rains and storms easily causes the tree to fall, damage.

Mr. Dam Van Hung, Owner of Huong Mien Tay, Vice Chairman of Ben Tre Province Green Skin Grapefruit Association shared: “Ben Tre has many production linkage models, Consume on green-skinned grapefruit. The production association, Consuming according to a certified safe process has helped farmers grow pomelos steadily in the midst of the pandemic.”.

Farmers sort pomelos to bring to the factory

Despite being quite famous and supplying the market with tens of thousands of tons of fruit every year,, But Ben Tre green-skinned pomelo is still struggling with the domestic market. Although there are a lot of orders from countries like Germany, France, Canada, Netherlands, from, China… but Ben Tre green-skinned pomelo is mainly consumed domestically. The reason is fragmented production, missing link, The output and quality of pomelos are not stable, The quantity is not enough for key enterprises to sign export contracts abroad.

Video: Model of growing green-skinned pomelo in Ben Tre


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