Approved the Project of Renewing methods of selling agricultural products in the period 2021 – 2025 orientation to the year 2030
Day 09/02/2021, The Prime Minister signed Decision No. 194 / QD-TTg approving the Project on Renewing the methods of trading agricultural products consumption in the period. 2021 – 2025, orientation to the year 2030. With the common goal is to form and develop a variety of business methods of consuming agricultural products in a sustainable chain with e-commerce and traceability applications., suitable for natural conditions, level, characteristics of agricultural production and market requirements (domestic and international).
Whereby, On the point of view, the innovation of business methods of consuming agricultural products must be associated with the restructuring of the agricultural sector, program of building a new countryside and applying science and technology. The renewal of the business method of agricultural product consumption must be consistent with the characteristics, scale, production force level, associated with the responsiveness of each agricultural product; Ensuring the harmony of interests between actors participating in agricultural consumption channels to create and maintain sustainable linkages.; Inheriting the strengths of existing agro-consuming business methods, reduce the amount of agricultural products consumed through traditional agricultural consumption channels (unconnected) and increase the consumption of agricultural products through the integrated and integrated channels associated with the application of e-commerce, traceability of agricultural products; Associated with the formation and development of businesses with enough driving force, production and consumption orientation of agricultural products according to market signals (domestically and internationally) in regions, local agricultural production; Stick with the forecast, market orientation, have sufficient information related to the needs of the import market.
Specific goal of Scheme:
– To reorganize agricultural production in large scale, according to the planning and requirements of the market, on the basis of science and technology application, traceability of agricultural products; associated with that is the domestic trade organization, in a modern direction from abroad.
– Consolidate and develop cooperative models of trade and services as a necessary intermediary between farmers, planted with production businesses, process, distribution and banking, to organize input supply and output consumption for farmers.
– Build a binding mechanism, link among the main actors in the channel of agricultural product consumption; Design supportive policies to encourage actors to link organically from the material supply stage, manufacturing, to the consumption of agricultural products.
Whereby, The solution to accomplishing the objectives of the Scheme is rat control, perfect chíbook about play development of production and consumption of agricultural products; Continue to implement and complete the policy of developing commercial infrastructuresiri.
Inside, responsibility of the Ministry Agriculture and Rural Development:
– Coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to direct, guide the People's Committees of provinces, centrally-run cities implement this Scheme.
– Chair, coordinate with ministries, The sector specifically guides the implementation of Decree No. 98/2018 / ND-CP dated 05/07/2018 Government policies to encourage development of cooperation, link in the production and consumption of agricultural products to support and create resources for the subjects participating in the agricultural product consumption channel in the coming time..
– Chair, coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant agencies to direct, guide localities in formulating master plans on areas for the production of key agricultural products, has local advantages; planning agro-processing factories in line with production planning in order to facilitate the formation of concentrated agricultural production areas associated with traceability, creating a stable supply of agricultural products to ensure food safety for agribusinesses.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development