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“Freeway” bringing Vietnamese agricultural products to Europe

Mr. Hoang Quang Phong, Vice President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry said, EVFTA is “freeway” For Vietnamese agricultural products to enter the vast market of 27 European country.

Speaking at the Workshop "Enterprises manufacturing and trading agricultural products - Action to approach EVFTA" organized by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 30/7, Mr. Hoang Quang Phong, Vice President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) identify, is the document regulating trade relations between Vietnam and the EU, Vietnam - EU free trade agreement (in the EVF) referring to the exchange of goods, origin, quality specifications, tax table for each item ....

Workshop "Production enterprises and agribusiness - Action to approach EVFTA" organized by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 30/7 At Hanoi.

“In which, in the agricultural sector, apart from the contents integrated with general regulations, the chapter is reserved 6 Given the content of food safety and phytosanitary measures, exchange research is definitely needed, assess and find solutions to overcome difficulties, possible obstacles of businesses in the agricultural sector ”, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasized.

So, Mr. Hoang Quang Phong highly appreciated the idea of ​​organizing seminars for businesses in the agricultural sector, help businesses access information and exchange more on the technical aspects affecting businesses operating in the agricultural sector..

Vice Chairman of VCCI expects that the information will help businesses to be proactive and take advantage of positive aspects and the Agreement will bring., avoid possible risks in the process of business cooperation with businesses in this important economic sector.

In fact, EVFTA comes into effect, Tariff and non-tariff barriers will be gradually eliminated among member countries. However, in fact, Non-tariff barriers are not completely rejected, opposite, tend to be used in more sophisticated forms as tariffs progress 0% as committed by EVFTA, including sanitary and epidemiological measures (SPS) and technical barriers to vegetables and fruits for export (XK) sang 27 EU countries.

Exchange with businesses, Dr. Le Thanh Hoa, Deputy Director of Processing and Agricultural Development Department, Director of SPS Vietnam Office said, SPS are those related to food safety, animal and plant quarantine, barriers will be increasingly complicated with newly signed FTAs, especially with EVFTA.

Whereby, Fruit and vegetable products must meet all general food regulations under the EU Comprehensive Food Law (EU General Food Law), This law also has traceability requirements. Types of plants and plant products, including vegetables originating from unspecified areas, contaminated by harmful organisms will not be allowed to import into the EU.

With that, EU regulations on quality control of food safety and hygiene also exist 7 principles should be followed in order to prevent hazards in the production of finished products.

For fresh vegetables, The EU often requires exporters to have a certificate of global good agricultural practices (GlobalGAP) or other food safety certifications. In addition to quality assurance and food safety, GlobalGAP is also concerned with ensuring environmental and social standards by reducing the amount of chemicals used, be responsible for occupational health and safety. GlobalGAP is developed from EurepGAP. The range of EurepGAP includes: produce fruit, vegetable, potato, salad, Cut flowers and livestock.

General provisions on control, check the product: All products imported into the EU are inspected for compliance with the relevant EU food laws..

In food safety policy, The EU also sets criteria for bacterial contamination of food (Food contains microorganisms, toxin, its metabolites), regulations on the maximum residue of pollutants in specific products or product groups.

Shipments imported into the EU must have a certificate of plant hygiene and safety to show product status, inspection measures and signatures of national plant protection agencies before sending goods.

Same idea, Mr. Pham Dong Quang, Former Deputy Director of Science Department of Ministry of Agriculture also pointed out 5 Challenges for Vietnamese agricultural products when exporting to the European Union market (ME). Specifically, first, are rules of origin of goods. If not guaranteed the rules of origin, Vietnam's exports to the EU are only favored with most favored nation tariffs (MFN) or universal tariff incentives (GSP), not taxable 0% in EVFTA.

Monday, food safety regulations (ATTP), animal and plant quarantine. EU requirements are very strict about food safety, quarantine of plants and animals while domestic production is still small, scatter, missing link, Awareness of compliance of farmers is not high ...

Tuesday, intellectual property rights protection. Wednesday, Fair trade sustainable development. Thursday, procedures of conditions for export to the EU. Vietnam and EU committed to apply a common system of procedures, import conditions for products from any area of ​​the other party.

Therefore, The expert stressed that it is necessary to study and master the EU regulations on food safety and technical standards, ensure traceability as well as organize production with high technology, improve product quality, good preservation stage, Apply safe production process according to GlobalGAP international standards, HACCP…

At the Workshop, Experts agree that, besides grasping the rules, enterprises should proactively engage processing enterprises, preservation, Export to raw material areas.

Focus on building and protecting images, brand reputation of vegetables and fruits as well as popular planning, widely Vietnam vegetable brand to EU-27 market in many forms.

Strengthen building good relationships, sustainably with EU-27 importers to help Vietnamese businesses cope well with vegetable market barriers of this market..

Improve human resources with high quality, staff need to master the quality standards of vegetables and fruits, Capable of strictly controlling the production process, Plant quarantine process, EU food safety ...

“Organic production is still the way forward, Specially to enter EU market. We are actually one step slower, The Thai organic program was issued more recently 10 year, We recently issued a decree on organic agriculture. We need to accelerate this way. ”, Deputy Director of Department of Processing and PTTTNS assessed.

(Source: Business Forum Newspaper)

VITAD-AGRI and VCCI jointly organized a seminar seminar ”Enterprises producing and trading agricultural products- Action approaching EVFTA ”day 30/7/2020

To help agro-producers and exporters actively catch up, make good use of the opportunity right from the moment the agreement comes into effect, VITAD-AGRI and VCCI jointly organized the workshop trainingEnterprises producing and trading in agricultural products- Action approaching EVFTA ”.

Purpose of the Training Session- The workshop aimed to equip EVFTA with the necessary knowledge related to the production and export of agricultural products to the EU market.; Establishing a chain link between agricultural production and import-export; Proposing policies to be proactive, accelerate the process and improve the efficiency of EVFTA implementation in agricultural production and export.

Specific objectives:

  • Clearly define agricultural products and requirements for each agricultural product exported to the EU market (including i) Cultivation industry; ii) Livestock sector and iii) Seafood and seafood industry).
  • Identify and propose solutions, policies and roadmaps to accelerate agricultural exports to the EU market (By each industry)..
  • Establishing a linkage between producers and exporters of agricultural products to the EU market (By each industry).
  • The objectives will be addressed, Specific instructions with the following:

– Tax return schedule 0% for Vietnam's exported agricultural products;

– Products enjoying preferential tax but subject to export quotas;

– Order and procedures for implementation of regulations on the origin of export goods;

– Request, procedures for food safety regulations, animal quarantine for export agricultural products;

– Regulations on geographical indications and intellectual property protection, Branding;

– Requirements for environmental protection and sustainable development.

– The export agricultural products have high competitive advantage thanks to VEFTA, difficulties and solutions

Some photos at the seminar, Training “Agricultural production and trading enterprises - Action on approaching EVFTA” day 30/7/2020

Preliminary conference 6 first month and mission 6 the last month of the year 2020

Morning 29/6, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (NN&PTNT) Preliminary meeting took place 6 first month of the year and implementation of the plan 6 the last month of the year 2020. Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong chaired the Conference with the participation of Deputy Ministers and units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development..

Panoramic conference


According to the report, from the beginning of the year to the present, Agricultural sector faces many difficulties, challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic, The plague spread throughout the world “broken, broken” domestic and foreign supply chains. Besides that, The agriculture sector also has to cope with saline intrusion situation in the Mekong Delta, drought in some places in the Central Highlands, South Central and Mekong Delta ...

However looking back 6 the first month of the year, with the close attention of the Government, Fear of support of all levels, industries and efforts, effort of the whole industry, growth rate 6 The month is still quite good: estimated growth rate of production value of the whole industry 1,18% over the same period in the year 2019; GDP growth rate is estimated at over 1%; total exports reached 18,8 billion USD, reduction 2,6% over the same period.

Special quarter II, The agricultural sector regained its growth rate with the production value of the second quarter increasing 2,19%; domestic to meet the demand for food - consumer food during the peak epidemic and still ensure exports. Besides, Sector restructuring continues to be actively implemented in all fields, achieve important results; The difficulties and obstacles to promote exports have been resolved; disease prevention on crops, re-pig herd is well done; and water sources are regulated in time for production, changing suitable crop structure and preventing forest fire.

Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong spoke at the Conference

Achieving the Government's goal requires greater efforts of the entire agricultural sector. Therefore, The head of Agriculture and Rural Development affirmed: In that context, The whole sector has to deal with double tasks to carry out the very heavy tasks assigned by the Government (GDP growth from 2,8 come 3,2%).

Especially, At all costs must complete two fronts, It is the production of food and food, thereby guaranteeing approx 43,5 million tons of rice, enough food for 100 million Vietnamese people and export from 6,5 come 6,7 million tons. Ensure demand for meat, egg, milk, vegetable… for domestic demand and towards export with a total value of approx 42 billion USD.

“We have to look back at the unfavorable situation, challenge in 6 last month and the following months, From there, set up policies, Operational planning and synchronized action all areas, from administration, career to businesses. The motto is that with double challenges, determination and effort must be made 2-3 times ”, Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong emphasized.

Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong affirmed: When faced with difficulties, big challenge, we have to focus our intellect to come up with solutions, Do not backward, Do not change the annual plan target 2020 that the Government assigns.

(Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Science and technology are a lever to create momentum for agricultural production

That is the opinion of Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh in the meeting between the Ministry of Science and Technology&CN with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to evaluate the results of scientific and technological activities in the period 2016-2020 and orientations for making annual plans 2021, stage 2021-2025 took place afternoon 23/6/2020 at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Kh&CN).

Attending the meeting were Deputy Minister of Science and Technology&Mr. Phạm Công Tạc, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh and functional units of the two ministries.

Opening speech of the meeting, Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac emphasized: Year 2020 The last year is important to ensure the achievement of the goals of the implementation of the Economic Development Plan – society's stage 2016-2020, prepare to summarize the stage of science and technology development strategy 2011-2020 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 418 / QD-TTg dated 11/4/2012; as well as assess the results achieved in the directional implementation, target, KH mission&Sun phase 2016-2020 approved at Decision No. 1318 / QD-BKHCN dated 05/6/2015 of the Minister of Science and Technology&CN. The current, Ministry of Science and Technology&Industry is conducting restructuring programs&National industry towards serving practical goals of socio-economic development, strengthening defense potential and waiting for the Prime Minister's approval of directions, target, KH mission&Sun phase 10 year 2021 – 2030 and Ministry of Science and Technology&CN approved scientific programs&CN national stage 2021-2030. Year 2020 also the year that summarizes many phase coordination programs 2016-2020 between the Ministry of Science and Technology&CN with the ministries, branch. The content and objectives of the Coordination Programs should be reviewed and signed for the next phase 2021-2025. Ministry of Science and Technology&CN has issued guidance No. 254 / BKHCN-KHTC days 07/02/2020 on guidelines for planning and planning KH budgets&Sun year 2020 addressed to the Ministries, Sector clue plan. The Government has issued Directive No. 18 / CT-TTg dated 14/4/2020 on the development of the Economic Development Plan – society 5 year 2021 – 2025. Therefore, today's meeting of the two ministries not only assesses the results of scientific and technological activities over the past time, but it is very necessary to point out the issues that need to be prioritized in the year. 2021 and stage 2021-2025 to put in the plan year and plan 5 year.

After hearing the report of the Ministry of Science and Technology&CN, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the opinions of the managers, scientists, The two ministries agreed on the tasks to be implemented in the coming year and the following years: Agree on a plan to summarize the effectiveness of the Joint Program between the two ministries; signed a program to coordinate scientific activities&Sun between the two ministries for the period 2021-2025. Promote evaluation of the implementation of National Science and Technology Programs for the year-end 2020; Evaluation and approval of adjustment of high-tech applied agriculture program, National product program phase 2021-2025; Proposing the Prime Minister to add some key agricultural products to the national list of products; Strengthen coordination in quality measurement work, Agricultural intellectual property; Attaching importance to promoting coordination between the two ministries on legal documents; The two ministries agreed to soon focus on reviewing and supporting the restructuring of national science and technology programs in agriculture in the spirit of Resolution. 01, 02 government…

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh highly appreciated the achievements of science and technology in the agricultural sector.. Science and technology have been a lever to create momentum for agricultural production, Ensure steady and stable growth, despite extreme weather conditions due to climate change, constant epidemic. Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh also highly appreciated the coordination of science and technology activities between the two ministries and suggested the coming time, Ministry of Science and Technology&Industry needs to focus resources on technological research to serve production along the value chain (Priority for deep processing) Creating added value of Vietnamese agricultural products.

Closing remarks, Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac stated: A country with more than half of its population engaged in agricultural production, science and technology must give priority to the development of agricultural production. In addition to the ongoing national programs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development may form ministerial-level science and technology programs according to priority fields.. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development considers investment projects to be included in the medium-term plan to implement tasks already approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1670 / QD-TTg., Decision No. 1671 / QD-TTg as: National botanical garden, key laboratories… Implement missions to prevent desert grasshoppers pests and plant pests; Focus on perfecting and promulgating standards, National standards to boost the export of agricultural products. From now till the end of the year 2020 The two ministries have cooperated more closely to review and summarize the Program of coordinating activities&CN, Other national programs on agriculture and rural development./.

(Source: Science and technology)

Promote the development of sustainable tea production

Day 12/6/2020, in Thai Nguyen province, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organizes a Conference to promote sustainable tea production. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh chaired the Conference. Conference to assess current production status, Consumption of tea plants nationwide in recent years; directions and solutions to promote production development, process, consume, Tea export in the near future.

Overview of the Conference to promote sustainable tea production

Vietnam is a growing country, Tea production and processing, Tea area and production ranked second 5 but productivity ranks second 3 in total 50 Tea producing countries in the world. Now, our country has 34 the provincial, Tea growing city with a total area 123 thousand hectares of tea, productivity is near 95 quintal / ha, higher than five 2018 was 4,4 quintal / ha, output reached 1,02 million tons of fresh bud tea. Export volume reached 136 thousand tons, value reached 235 million dollars. The years, Tea is a fairly sustainable production plant, contribute positively to poverty reduction for mountainous people, especially in some specialty tea production areas, is a tree enrichment for the people.

Thai Nguyen, Currently the province has the largest tea area in the country, Current tea area is estimated at 22,500 ha; estimated productivity 119 quintal / ha, fresh bud tea production was reached 230 thousand tons. The years, Thai Nguyen province has stepped up the restructuring of tea varieties, Application of science and technology in production. Now, Most of the tea area in the province has been produced in a safe manner, Organic; Processing is also focused, diversify products. With that, The province has stepped up construction, promotion, tea consumption; The province's tea products have been affirmed in domestic and international markets, thereby helping to alleviate poverty, Increase income for tea producing households.

However, many delegates to the conference said that, There is still room for tea development, especially the increase of added value of tea; awareness, invest, direct and organize tea production among different provinces, there are places where one hectare of tea reaches prison value 500 come 800 million dong / year, But there are places not yet reached 100 million dong / ha / year; production link, Processing unsatisfactory; Tea production associated with tourism is still weak.

At the conference, Discussions of localities focused on proposing solutions to remove difficulties in breeding work, production, processing stage, market development… with tea industry. Some suggestions are from the Plant Protection Department, The National Center for Agricultural Extension was also presented at the conference.

The common view of the unit itself, tea development is highly effective in association with agricultural restructuring.

In order for the development of tea industry to be truly sustainable, the scale of tea growing area must be suitable to the requirements of the domestic and export markets., The area is arranged in conformity with the ecological and cultural traditions, at the same time must be able to compete on economic efficiency with other crops in the area.

Delegates visit tea production model in Tan Cuong commune, Thai Nguyen City

Speaking at the Conference, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh suggested: In the coming years, tea area will be stable, but must increase the added value of tea and tea products. Therefore, Provinces need to re-evaluate production status, business, invest, command, organization of production, process, consume, export. In order to improve the quality of tea, processing should be speeded up, link; Tea product segment, The word is then associated with selecting and processing tea; development attention, improve the quality of new products, but also to improve the quality of traditional tea products.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh assigned the Department of Crop Production to develop a sustainable tea development project in the context of restructuring the agricultural sector., which define clear goals, There is a policy for tea plants. The Department, service, institute, The relevant university is responsible for the research, Proposing related issues to develop tea plants.

Developing seed production to restructure agriculture

Day 3/6, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh chaired the meeting to implement the Research Development Program, seed production serving restructuring of the agricultural sector 2021 – 2030.

Recently, day 28/5/2020, The Prime Minister issued Decision No. 703 / QD-TTg approving the Research Development Program, seed production serving restructuring of the agricultural sector 2021-2030, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is assigned to preside over the implementation of the Program.

The common goal is to improve research capacity, Production of agricultural and forestry tree seeds, livestock breeds and aquatic breeds toward modern industrialization in order to supply sufficient quality breeds for production; contribute to the average industry growth target for the period 2021-2030 from 2.7-3% / year; annual export turnover of agriculture, forestry and fishery products 2025 reach 50-55 billion USD, year 2030 reach 55-60 billion USD; effectively implement the agricultural restructuring orientation towards increasing added value and sustainable development.

Whereby, to year 2030, Cultivation industry guarantees use 90% Confirmed rice seed and F1 hybrid seed; Using hybrid maize varieties achieved above 95%; 100% acreage (tea, rubber, banana), 80-90% acreage (the coffee, thing), 70-80% acreage (cam, grapefruit), 40-50% acreage (pepper, cassava) New planting using standard varieties; on 95% Mushroom varieties are used up to grade standards 1; Domestic production of vegetable varieties 25-30% need. Forestry industry, rate of seedlings provided for afforestation is controlled from the source of seed 95%. The livestock industry guarantees to provide technically advanced breeds in production for pigs 95%, poultry reach 85-90%. The fisheries sector ensures proactive supply 100% demand for breeding aquatic species; The locally produced white shrimp produced by the shrimp 30% need; 100% Like white shrimp, 100% pangasius and 50-60% Black tiger shrimp breeds are under quality control and eradicated with a number of diseases.

The program focuses on 3 The main task is (i) develop science and technology on breeds (include conservation, store genetic resources, keep the original breed, select breeding); (ii) seed production development; (iii) perfecting the breeding system and prioritizing the implementation on plants, national key domestic animals according to the regulations of competent authorities. For the crop, other pets; Based on practical requirements, the ministries and localities reviewed, decide to support the Program's policies in each specific period.

The program is implemented on a national scale. Central budget is given priority, Investment support for central agencies and localities has not balanced its budget; localities have balanced their budgets, proactively organize the implementation of investment projects according to the target, Content.

Program implementation period is from year 2021 till the end of the year 2030, divided by 2 planning period (2021 – 2025 and 2026 – 2030). The total capital for the Program implementation is 103.050 billions dong.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh said, The novelty of the program this time is if it only focused on keeping the original variety, Seed development is mainly at public sector as institutes, In the next phase, the market will invest deeply in the business sector, private, Chain design from genetic resources for breeding to breeding programs for key subjects for restructuring.

Secondly, the program will mobilize a variety of social resources with a very clear capital structure of the central part, The local government especially the businesses and other stakeholders, including farmers.
About the present existence, Vice Minister directly surveyed and directed the Department of Crop Production to coordinate with units, how to control the properness and quality of perennial crops, especially citrus fruits: “It is impossible to give home condition, People who do the same thing today must have certification for nurseries and must be inspected, Check this out.

Next stage, The Ministry will invest in research institutes, Seed centers of localities must have a proper production system from the original seed garden to the grafted eyes to ensure that the seedlings are fully sold when being sold., especially viral diseases ”.

(Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Dak Lak province's attraction of cultivating rice varieties ST24 brings high economic efficiency.

From the "World's Best Rice" award at the World's’s Best Rice Contest 11 (held in the Philippines), ST24 rice, Vietnam's ST25 has a strong attraction in the market. Seize this opportunity, many cooperative units (HTX) Agriculture in the rice areas of the province has started to produce ST24 seeds and achieved high economic efficiency.

Officials of Ea Sup District Agriculture and Rural Development Department with Ea Soup Poverty Reduction Cooperative checks ST24 quality of rice under experimental trials by organic methods.

Than 3 last year, Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Cooperative in Krong Ana District, Dak Lak Province has started accepting ST24 rice cultivation at the orders of the seed supplier.. At that time, ST24 rice is still quite new and not widely known, so the supplier just temporarily called it "new generation RVT" and the price is equal to the price of RVT rice.. This variety has long elongated grain characteristics, Delicious rice quality, The productivity of the cooperative in specialized wet rice areas is much higher than that of RVT, to 11 tons of fresh rice / ha (RVT is average 9,5 tons of fresh rice / ha).

After the successful test rice crop unexpectedly, The cooperative gradually expanded ST24 rice cultivation area. ST24 rice prices gradually increased compared to other hybrid rice varieties to help farmers feel more secure, exciting. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong, Director of Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Co-operative commented, compared to the rice varieties the unit has cultivated before, like ST24, adapt well, No significant pest or disease arising, Especially, chrysanthemum disease was not seen often causing damage to people in the summer-autumn crop. Recognize the high insect resistance properties of this variety, summer-autumn crop 2019, Cooperatives have converted 2 ha from traditional farming to full use of organic practices, biology with the orientation to build own rice brands for cooperatives. Time of harvest, ST24 rice is again "sought" by consumers after the effect of the "World's Best Rice Award" of ST25 rice. (Because ST25 rice is not yet on the market). So, The entire ST24 rice production produced by the organic process of the cooperative is quickly consumed at high prices, Many units have long-term supply orders.

Winter-spring 2019 – 2020, members of Nhat Minh Agricultural Service Cooperative 15 ha organic rice and more 270 ha of rice is cultivated according to normal procedures. Inside, Organic ST24 rice is purchased higher 1.000 VND / kg, Help members directly benefit from the application of safe manufacturing processes, lasting. First step, The cooperative also hired agricultural engineers to prepare its own organic process, supervise the production process to build the cooperative's own brand of rice. These are important steps for cooperatives to separately plan organic production areas in the field, meet the increasing demands of fastidious customers.

At the field of Ya To Mot commune (Ea Sup district) ST24 rice has also been successfully grown by the Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative towards organic production. Immediately after news of ST24 rice, ST25 achieved great success at the World World's Best Rice Contest 11, Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative sent members and farmers to Engineer Ho Quang Cua's house (Soc Trang province) to understand the cultivation process and buy rice seed. Here, Members of the delegation are invited to try it out 3 Plate of cooked rice from ST21 rice, ST24 and ST25 only sign with numerical order for everyone to choose the best rice dish. Coincidentally, most people opt for a plate of rice cooked from ST24 rice by a sweet grain of rice, fragrant, plasticity, Soft though doesn't change much size after cooked.

After that trip, Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative has started cultivation 2,5 ST24 ha in the organic direction and in association with Thanh Cong Agricultural Service Cooperative (Ea Sup district) grow 25 ST24 ha ha follow the normal procedure in the winter-spring season 2019 – 2020. Experimental yield of ST24 rice grown according to conventional procedures in Ya To Mot commune field is not inferior to other hybrid rice varieties, reach on 7,5 tons of dry rice / ha. With organic farming model, ST24 rice adapted and grew well, There are no pests and diseases and although the yield is only approx 75% compared to conventional farming, but the quality of rice after cooking is much better.

All ST24 rice production is provided by Ea Sup Poverty Reduction Cooperative to partners in the provincial markets, into the North and its own sales channel. Hence, The co-operative has been subsidizing farmers with higher prices than other rice varieties at the same time. Mr. Nguyen Thai Son, Director of the Poverty Reduction Cooperative Ea Sup said, The encouraging results are an important premise for the cooperative to build a chain of high quality rice production in Ea Sup district, Continue to expand ST24 rice cultivation area, especially rice cultivated by an organic process.

Can see, with many outstanding advantages of rice quality, high adaptability and resistance to pests and diseases, ST24 rice has brought remarkable economic efficiency in the areas of specialized wet rice cultivation in the province. This is a chance “yellow” so that the agricultural cooperatives in the rice fields invest to improve the value, build credibility, The brand to capture the high quality rice demand of the domestic market has many potentials today.

(Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Many activities in quality assurance, Agricultural safety year 2020

Implementing the direction of the City People's Committee, Hanoi Agro-forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department has just issued Official Letter No. 38 / QLCL-CBTN., District People's Committee is recommended, District, town coordination in quality assurance, food safety (ATTP) agricultural products year 2020.

To improve the effectiveness of the coordination of state management on food safety, support the development of production chains, safe agricultural product consumption in the year 2020, The Department of Agro-forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance proposes the People's Committee of districts, District, the town directed to promote the propaganda to ensure food safety in the area. Inside, Propaganda content about regulations to ensure food safety in production, business, consumption of agricultural products.

Regarding the propaganda form, People's Committees of districts, District, The town directed its affiliated units to propagate with Pano hanging at the wholesale market, people's market, densely populated place, manufacture factory, business; propaganda leaflets to production facilities, business, consumption of agricultural products. Time to focus on propaganda in the second and third quarter of 2020.

Besides that, District People's Committee, District, the town directs specialized agencies in the area to focus on training knowledge for managers, producer, trading and consuming agricultural products. Content of the training on management skills, knowledge of the quality of agricultural food safety for officials in charge of management at all levels; training food safety regulations for manufacturers, preprocessing, processing and trading agricultural products; training food safety knowledge for food consumers.

Parallel to supervision, Warning about quality risk, Food safety for agricultural products, The Hanoi Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department requests the People's Committees of the districts, District, town support, developing facilities, production chain, Consumption of safe agricultural products. About this, Sub-department will coordinate with District Economic Division, District, proposed town, survey, Selection of production facilities, Business has a business registration certificate; manufacturing, Trading in products in the list of main agricultural products of the city, join the production chain, safe agricultural consumption; have a certificate of establishment meeting food safety conditions, commits to food safety and needs to improve food safety, transparent traceability information, building and developing the establishment's product brand.

Besides, District People's Committee is recommended, District, The town cooperates closely in inspection work, check, handle violations of ensuring food safety in agricultural products in the locality, especially in inspection activities, extraordinary examination.

(Source: Electronic communication portal of Hanoi city)

Developing organic agriculture

That is the direction that Tuyen Quang province is headed for. This province has also successfully implemented some orange models, Organic grapefruit transformation. Read More

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