Institute of technology application & Vietnam agricultural development

29 March, 2021
organic vegetables

Growing organic vegetables brings high income for the people

In Dinh Du commune, Van Lam (hung Yen), Hai's family has bravely invested 200 million construction 800 m2 is a net house to grow vegetables organically, profit each month 7-10 million dong.

The current, capture the needs of many state employees, outside working hours at work, still enlist planting, trading in some safe vegetables and fruits, to increase income. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai is from Dinh Du commune, Van Lam (hung Yen) is one of them.

She subleased the village's cultivated fields and borrowed it 200 million dong, build 800 m2 of net house, Membrane houses for growing organic vegetables. Results from over a year now, besides the source of vegetables for family needs, Every month, her family makes a profit 7-10 million VND from cultivating clean vegetables of all kinds (All investment costs have been subtracted, including depreciation of infrastructure construction).

According to Hai, to ensure that there are clean vegetables to harvest every month, She chose to cultivate short-term leafy vegetables such as, improved chip, cabbage, sweet cabbage, Spikes reform (approx 20-30 collection date 1 litter, depending on the type of vegetable), and only fertilize vegetables with decomposed organic fertilizers, Homemade compost water.

But the difficulty of these vegetables is high susceptibility to pests (mainly earthworms and bugs). Worms cause year-round damage in the underground part of the vegetable plant, because the mustard roots are quite sweet. The most damaging outbreaks occur in the month 1 -2.

To prevent worms, periodic 3-4 batch of vegetables, Hai again sprinkle lime powder on the field, then plow and flip the ground, Then put the water to soak 2 day, Exhausted and dried the field for planting next batch of vegetables. Also when testing found the soil pH < 6 then add more powdered lime, Helps reduce acidity and prevent vegetable worms (Soil pH meters are easy to buy on the market).

With bugs and other worms, Hai can control with homemade pesticides, include: 1kg of chili + 1kg of garlic + 1kg of ginger + 5 yeast fruit + 5 liter of light wine, Soak in a glass jar. About more 1 month, get out mixed with clean water (ratio 1/1.000), Spray the vegetable field continuously 7 day, since the vegetable plant has 2 real leaves (spray 1 1 time / day, early morning or cool afternoon).

Fertilizing vegetables also do the same: Buy 5 yeast fruit, 1kg of diameter, 0,5kg of rice bran, 3 yogurt box, 3 digestive yeast packages (kind used for children) and 10 liters of filtered water. Soakable 7 days then add 10 liter of filtered water again, from 7-10 the next day, Grandchildren to water evenly on the bed surface before sowing vegetables, will help restore beneficial microorganisms, inhibits harmful microorganisms, increase soil porosity.

At the same time, Ms. Hai also soaked soybean seeds, Freshwater fish waste with super phosphate and sliced ​​banana stem, After he got water to irrigate the vegetables.

With organic fertilizer, Hai only buys chicken or bird droppings, after mixing with Trichoderma preparation (ratio 1/1.000), and then packed in bagasse, anaerobic incubation 45-60 New day to take out to fertilize the field of vegetables.

Her experience shows that Hai, Leafy vegetables grown in a greenhouse will be shortened 1/4 growth time compared to sowing in the wild, help increase production, increase production, increase salary.

Although vegetables grown in the above-mentioned way are not as fat and beautiful as vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers, But thanks to the good reputation, so where the product is made, is always ordered by everyone close to them, at a higher price 1,5 market sale.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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