Author Archives: Vitad Agri

Promote export of fruit to Japanese market

Day 12/1, At Hanoi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (NN&PTNT) Le Quoc Doanh had a working session with Mr. Vu Hong Nam, Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh worked with Mr. Vu Hong Nam, Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh said: Last time, Japanese projects have provided great support to Vietnamese agriculture in developing agricultural value chains, infrastructure upgrades, promote private investment, strengthening human resources, environmental Protection, respond to climate change.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh emphasized: The issue of market access for Vietnamese agricultural products to the Japanese market is very important. Vietnamese litchi products are currently highly appreciated by the Japanese market. Although the volume of Vietnamese lychee exported to Japan is not much, it has created a good effect.

Regarding the plan to open the market for Vietnamese longan fruit, Currently the Japanese side is conducting a pest risk analysis. The two sides are trying to speed up the technical exchange so that Vietnam can soon export fresh longan to Japan.

About the potential to export grapefruit to Japan, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh said: Phu Tho province has the same specialty pomelo variety Doan Hung with an area 1.500 he has, productivity 124 quintal / ha, Quantity 15.004 tons / year. Doan Hung grapefruit has been issued by the Department of Intellectual Property – The Ministry of Science and Technology grants the annual protection title to geographical indications 2006; year 2015, Doan Hung grapefruit product is 1 among 59 High quality agricultural product brand was honored with "Agricultural Gold Brand 2014".. The Plant Protection Department is currently negotiating to export Doan Hung grapefruit to major markets like Japan, China, America.

Ambassador Vu Hong Nam said: Vietnam - Japan relations are currently developing very well, This creates a favorable foundation for the export of Vietnamese agricultural products to the Japanese market. Increasing agricultural exports will help domestic farmers change the way of production in the direction of further improving quality and added value., so that Vietnamese agricultural products can penetrate into difficult markets.

According to the Ambassador, Vietnamese grapefruit has the prospect of exporting to Japan due to the low pest risk of pomelos. Besides that, Japan does not have this fruit. The ambassador said: Some Vietnamese fruits are not on the Japanese quarantine list, This list needs to be published for businesses to understand, thereby increasing fruit exports to Japan.

The ambassador said, Currently, the preservation stage of Vietnam's agricultural exports is still not good, so some Vietnamese agricultural products exported to the Japanese market are still not well-designed.. The Ambassador suggested to the Ministry of Agriculture&Rural development needs to propose an overall plan, Which fruit has potential to enter the Japanese market will take the necessary steps to export that fruit.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh expected Ambassador Vu Hong Nam to act as a bridge, strengthening cooperation between state management agencies of the two Ministries&Rural Development in two countries, supporting human resource training at the Center at Can Tho University, Vietnam Academy of Agriculture.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT

To restore agricultural production in the Central region after the annual natural disaster 2020

Pm 26/11, The delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, headed by Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong, visited, direct the restoration of production after storms and floods in a number of localities in Quang Tri province.

The delegation checked the implementation of field improvement activities, canals were filled after floods in Trieu Giang commune, Trieu Phong district; visit and stock fish at Truc Kinh Fish Farm, Gio Linh district; visit the "brood chicken" model at the experimental farm of Quang Tri Agricultural College; check activities to overcome landslides in Gio Hai commune, Gio Linh district.

On this occasion, to support Quang Tri province to restore agricultural production, soon stabilize people's lives, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development awarded: 1.100 bird; 300 tons of animal feed; 740 million for veterinary medicine; 1.500 carp, tilapia, The broodstock are ready to breed at the beginning of the year 2021 with approx 15-16 million seeds for farmers… The total value of this technology transfer and support is close 1,2 billions dong.

In the process of going to the actual inspection, overcoming consequences of storms and floods in localities, Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong highly appreciated the efforts of the government and people of Quang Tri in recent years. The province has put all efforts early to mobilize forces to overcome the consequences of storms and floods to stabilize people's lives. Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong said that the most important job now is to focus on the reconstruction of infrastructure, Irrigation works combine with forces to clear canals, clearing the land covered by sand to prepare for the upcoming winter-spring crop. Especially, to create livelihoods for the people from now until the Lunar New Year through the promotion of vegetable cultivation and short-term husbandry. Besides that, The province prepares the best seed and materials for successful production in Winter-Spring crop 2020-2021 to compensate for the loss of the relatives. Thereby, production soon, economic for the people in the long run. Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong also suggested that Quang Tri province need to study and deploy the options soon, coastal protection solutions in areas suffering from erosion towards sustainability in response to climate change.

Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT

Meeting on Sustainable Development of Citrus in Northern Provinces

Day 10/11, in Hoa Binh, Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development coordinated with the Provincial People's Committee to organize a conference to promote sustainable development of citrus (CAQCM) in the northern provinces. Attending and chairing the conference were Deputy Minister of Agriculture&Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh; Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee Chairman Bui Van Khanh; Provincial People's Committee Vice Chairman Dinh Cong Su. There are also departmental leaders, branches of the province and representatives of the Department of Agriculture&PTNT 22 northern province

According to the report of Department of Crop Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), Up to now, in many localities, concentrated commodity citrus production zones such as Ha Giang oranges have been formed, Peace, Bac Giang, Phu Tho grapefruit, Bac Giang, Peace, Tuyen Quang, Bac Kan and Lang Son tangerines.

The total area of ​​citrus trees in the northern mountainous provinces is approximately 121.000 he has (accounting for 47,5% area of ​​the country).

Remarkable, Citrus area has been steadily increasing in recent years, with high growth. Statistics in 10 five words 2009 – 2019, Citrus growth averaged 10% / year in terms of area (equivalent 7,3 thousand hectares / year), on 12% in terms of output (69,4 thousand tons).

Along with area growth, Quantity, Citrus production in the Northern mountainous provinces still has many limitations and many difficulties in product consumption., Disease. Besides, abuse of inorganic fertilizers and chemical pesticides, risk of soil pollution, country, outbreaks and quality problems.

At the conference, The delegates contributed many papers on the production situation, the citrus pest situation, orientation of plant protection and market opening, processing industry, Promotion of citrus fruits; synthesis of research results, transfer of seed technical advances, culture, post-harvest in recent years and the future orientation ...

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee Chairman Bui Van Khanh emphasized: Lately year, The province's agricultural production forms key product groups, to create a reputation in the domestic market and towards export. The province has completed the land suitability classification map for crop production with the classified area 116 thousand hectares. Especially, CAQCM is a key crop in the process of agricultural restructuring of the province. To the year 2020, the whole province has approx 11.500 he has. Inside, Business area approx 7.400 he has; 2.119 ha of citrus trees were certified for food safety, VietGAP, Organic. Expected year 2020, the income value per unit of cultivated area is above 350 million / ha. Besides the results achieved, CAQCM production in the province still has some limitations, exists as: Business status, trade in seeds of unknown origin, Quality failures are still going on; applied techniques have not been synchronous; many new pests and diseases arise; preservation activities, preprocessing, undeveloped processing; The issue of protecting trademarks and intellectual property rights has not been paid attention.

Provincial People's Committee Chairman Bui Van Khanh proposed to the Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development and relevant sectors support the province to review citrus; area code level; increase trade promotion, looking for export markets; transfer of preservation technology, product processing CAQCM. At the same time, support the province to implement the project of replanting Cao Phong orange area.

Concluding remarks Conference, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh acknowledged the efforts and achievements in CAQCM development of the Northern provinces. Deputy Minister confirmed: Production of citrus trees, an important role in agricultural restructuring. Before the difficulties, Shortcomings still exist, recommended departments, service, the set, Central departments need to closely coordinate with localities to synchronously deploy solutions to develop sustainable citrus, well implement the planning of planting areas.

The Deputy Minister suggested the Department of Crop Production preside over and guide the localities to review, to adjust the area of ​​citrus trees according to planning. For the Plant Protection Department, concentrate on directing the prevention, against harmful diseases; issue a process to control Greening and yellow leaf disease, root rot. The National Agricultural Extension Center gives priority to the development of model gardens. The institutes have well implemented the plant breeding program of the Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT

Prospects of organic rice cultivation in the area of ​​rice cropping

Hong Tien Commune (Ants bones, Thai Binh Province) is a locality with a tradition in the fishing profession. This is a resource of very high economic value to local farmers, for an income of tens of millions of dong / sao / year. For the protection and exploitation of nets, long time ago, This land has been preserved by the farmer. Year 2020, thanks to the support of Thai Binh Agricultural Extension Center, Hong Tien Commune Fisheries Service and Production Cooperative has implemented the model of organic rice cultivation in the area of ​​rice harvesting., Initial steps bring positive results.

Hong Tien is a commune located near the mouth of the Red River flowing into the sea, so the water source here is brackish, suitable for living aquatic species, The quality and development of fried meat is also better than that of other localities in the country.

Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Fisheries Services in Hong Tien Commune said: The whole commune has 65ha of yards along the Red River which can be harvested with more 80 production households. With two harvests in December 9 and month 10 annual lunar calendar, Farmers brought in close 88 Tons of rice for close value 40 billions dong. In addition to the income from the sword, Hong Tien farmers also exploit and catch from 70 – 80 tons of natural plants. With stable market prices 70.000 VND / kg plant, people collect from top to bottom 5 billions dong. For the staff, factors: seasonal cycle, Environment temperature, salinity, tidal height… has a great effect on the reproduction of the mangrove as well as on the yield, the yield of rice harvested. Lately year, households having land exploiting mangrove have invested in embankment, canal system, sluice gates in alluvial areas along rivers create conditions for natural growth, develop. To create habitat and income, all households combine fishing, plow and sedge plant, The output per year is more than 200 tons of dried sedge, income above 2 billions dong.

However, Papyrus planting requires a lot of labor, while the labor force in agriculture is increasingly lacking, making sedge area decrease gradually. Year 2019, The cooperative experimented with rice transplanting to replace sedge with an area of ​​over 1 ha, transplant 1 service / year, the rest of the time the land is to rest, create favorable conditions for growth and development. Year 2020, with support from Thai Binh Agricultural Extension Center, The cooperative expanded the model to over 10 hectares in Tan Thanh village. The transplanted rice in the area of ​​the rice cropping area is traditional varieties such as Bao Thai, Castor, The yield is not high but the rice quality is good, suitable for the land. During rice cultivation, absolutely do not use chemical fertilizers, Do not use pesticides, herbicides avoid affecting larvae that are growing in the soil layer below the rice field surface. The weeding was like the room, Pest and disease control for rice is done manually. This is the guarantee factor for the quality of organic rice.

Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Seafood Services in Hong Tien Commune said more: Cultivating rice in the rice fields, plow, These objects are complementary, in that land reclamation, care and growth process, The growth of rice plants created an ideal shelter and a plentiful source of food for the orangutan, the plume grows. Opposite, the clapper, A plant for treating organic waste in the soil, water to make organic fertilizers to keep rice plants healthy, resist disease and achieve productivity, High Quality.

Mr. Tran Quoc The is one of the households participating in the model said: My house is close 2 sample of the mining area, plow. Before, I grow sedge and increase my income, just create an environment for the plant to grow. However, sedge planted for a long time makes the soil harden, with the support of the cooperative, I brought rice to replace sedge with acreage 1 form. Although the rice yield is not as high as in the field fields, it produces clean products, output by the cooperative. Especially, Rice transplantation has helped to improve the ecological environment, help the claw, the plume grows better. You have not come to the harvest yet, but you have passed the test, The density of hole is higher than that in the sedge growing area; the plague is very big, scatter, sure.

According to Mr. Tran Van Kiem, Director of the Cooperative Production and Trading of Fisheries Services in Hong Tien Commune, Some rice processing units for export contacted organic rice products when the cooperative expanded the model. With the goal of keeping the specific material areas of the locality, towards branding organic rice, The organic rice farming model in the area has initially brought about a positive effect, is expected to be expanded planning 30 – 40he has, transplant 2 rice crop / year in the coming time.

Source: Thai Binh Newspaper

Development of organic agriculture period 2020-2030

Day 2/11, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (NN&PTNT) Organizing a conference to implement the Project for the development of organic agriculture in the fifth phase 2020-2030

Phase organic agriculture development scheme 2020 – 2030 by the Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development submitted to the Government and recently approved is derived from practice, general methods and directions of the Scheme on agricultural restructuring towards increasing added value and developing sustainably. The project aims to implement the national target programs and promote the potential strengths of organic agriculture in regions and localities., contribute to positioning and enhancing the brand of Vietnamese agricultural products on the world agricultural map; to make Vietnam become a country with an organic agricultural production level equal to that of advanced countries in the world.

This is also the directive throughout the Central, Government and Prime Minister over the years. And the agricultural sector is actively implementing this policy. Besides that, Organic agriculture is a growing trend and will grow rapidly in the coming time by ensuring the provision of better products for human health and society..

According to the Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT, up to now, The area of ​​organic cultivation in Vietnam increased from 53.350 ha years 2016 up approx 237.693 ha years 2019. The whole country has 46/63 the province is implementing and having an organic production movement. The number of farmers involved in organic production is 17.168 people.

The number of organic production firms is 97 enterprise; Join export is 60 enterprises with a turnover of approx 335 million USD / year. Vietnamese organic agricultural products are consumed domestically and are now exported 180 countries around the world, including the US, ME, China, Japan, Virtue, Brother, Korea, from, Singapore, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy… are the largest consumer markets for organic agricultural products in the world.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture&Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam said, Conferences aimed at dissemination, thoroughly grasp the main contents of the organic agriculture development project in the period 2020 – 2030 help management units of the ministry, localities, industry associations, producers and businesses understand the perspective of development, targets, tasks and solutions of the State for organic agricultural development. Thereby deploying to develop a plan to implement the tasks of the Project in accordance with the functions of the unit and actual local conditions..

According to Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam, Currently, many cooperatives and households are implementing organic agricultural models. But let them understand how organic agriculture is, Knowledge is lacking in how standards are.

Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development has advised the Government to promulgate the Scheme on development of organic agriculture in the period 2020-2030 in order to step by step turn Vietnam into a country with an organic agricultural production level equal to that of advanced countries. To do this, according to Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam, next to the area to continue to be intensive, Increasing productivity to ensure food security, each locality will base on the area of ​​land, as well as key agricultural commodities to direct the development of organic agriculture. Other way, Provinces also need to focus on training and improving production capacity so that cooperatives and households implementing organic agriculture models understand how organic agriculture is., standards and regulations like. Therefore, after this batch, The staff will organize training courses to improve the qualifications of managers at all levels from the department, organic standards at the local level and producer, especially the Vietnamese Standard 11041:2017 – The national standard for organic agriculture.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will guide the production processes towards organic agriculture and organic agriculture standards to each locality.. Because, The investment process to convert from conventional production to organic farming is very expensive, Not anywhere can do it, should be implemented step by step.

Another issue emphasized by Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam, That is how to coordinate with industries in the management of organic agricultural products when placing labels on the market., quality. “Just past, We tried to find out some places that showed that there were items that were labeled organic but not certified organic agriculture.. This is a current problem that needs to be rectified. This is not the only one of MARD&Rural development can do that requires branches, especially market regulators are involved in coordination”.

So, next time, The Department will provide legal support, facilitate to help domestic organic certification bodies to improve their capacity while also orienting them to link with international certification bodies to step by step enhance their position., level, The capacity of domestic certification bodies is equal to that of other countries in the region and in the world.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT

Dissemination Conference on Vietnam Free Trade Agreement – ME (in the EVF) and Support Policies, Collective Economic Development, Cooperative in Thai Nguyen

Dissemination Conference on Vietnam Free Trade Agreement – ME (in the EVF) and Support Policies, Collective Economic Development, Cooperative in Thai Nguyen

Day 22/09 past. Đại diện Viện Vitad-Agri cùng các chuyên ra đã tham gia hội nghị Tuyên truyền Kiến thức về Hiệp định Thương mại Tự do Việt Nam – ME (in the EVF) and Support Policies, Collective Economic Development, Cooperatives led by Cooperative Union – Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee and Industry and Trade Policy and Strategy Institute – The Ministry of Industry and Trade coordinates the implementation. Let's review the images at the Conference and the content discussed in the following conference!

Slide Vietnam Agriculture EVFTA- Prof. Do Tuyet Mai

Slide Corporate Actions before EVFTA_PGS Dr. Ngo Thi Thuan

Under the EVFTA Agreement, Vietnam successfully exported its first batch of coffee to Europe

Under the EVFTA Agreement, Vietnam successfully exported its first batch of coffee to Europe

Day 16/9 past, at Gia Lai, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (NN&PTNT) Le Quoc Doanh, attended the first coffee export ceremony of Vietnam and officially exported to the EU market under the Vietnam Free Trade Agreement – ME (in the EVF).

The EVFTA Agreement took effect from 1/8/2020, All coffee products including unroasted, roasted, Taxes for processed coffee are all eliminated 0%. At the same time, The EU is committed to protecting geographical indications for Vietnamese coffee. This is a huge competitive advantage for Vietnam's coffee industry in the EU market.

In this first batch of exports, Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd. has exported 14 container with quantity 296 ton to Port to Hamburg, Antwerp of Germany and Belgium.

At the coffee export ceremony to Europe under the EVFTA Agreement by the Ministry of Agriculture & PTNT, Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee and Vinh Hiep Company Limited (Pleiku city, Gia Lai) organization, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh said, For many years, Vietnam has always been the largest coffee exporter 2 world and world leader in Robusta coffee export, Coffee industry is also one 13 national key agricultural products, Vietnamese coffee is more available 80 contries and territories, The EU is the largest market for Vietnam's coffee consumption, accounting for 40% in total and 38% in terms of total export turnover, contribute 3% GDP of the country. With high competitive advantage, especially in the Central Highlands, where many ethnic minorities and the poor are concentrated. Job creation and stable income for the above 600.000 farmer households, contribute to socio-economic development, poverty reduction in the Central Highlands and other coffee growing regions of Vietnam.

Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh emphasized, EVFTA implementation shows positive results. Month 8/2020, Vietnam's coffee export value to the EU market is estimated at close to 76 million dollars, increase 34,7% compared with month 7/2020. Next time, Vietnam's coffee industry will ensure to meet the requirements of the EU market, especially standards for quality and sustainable development, make Vietnam the reference point for global Robusta coffee.

To continue to implement the EVFTA Agreement effectively, especially in the coffee industry, Ministry of Agriculture&The Rural Development Department suggests localities continue to guide farmers to produce certified coffee required by European importers., have clear traceability, transparent.

Along with that, accelerate the application of scientific advances, techniques in planting, take care of, harvest, Department of storage of coffee products; converting coffee varieties towards quality improvement, increase the market share of specialty coffee, continue to register geographical indications, branding for local products.

Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development opened the ceremony

Besides, The Vietnam Cocoa Coffee Association needs to grasp, solve problems, problems faced by the business community, especially small and medium enterprises; providing timely information to members about the mechanism, incentives, technical barriers, market information so that businesses can soon grasp and make timely adjustments.

Enterprises actively seek information about EVFTA to grasp Vietnam's commitments and EU commitments., in particular, information on the tariff preferences under this Agreement for coffee products. Besides that, technological innovation, special product designs are deep processing technologies to diversify coffee products for export to Europe. Enterprises must also ensure the origin, quality standard assurance, Compliance with intellectual property regulations for coffee products.

Also at the ceremony, EU member representatives in Vietnam highly appreciated the advantages of Vietnam's coffee industry when exporting to Europe. If Vietnam carries out the certificate of origin, it is considered that it can be done 50% requirements in the export process to the EU.

At the ceremony, The participants conducted a visit to the coffee processing line of Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd., witness container loading.

Mr. Thai Nhu Hiep, Chairman of the Board of Members cum Director of Vinh Hiep Company Limited said, Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd. is a Vietnamese coffee producer and exporter honored to produce the first batch of coffee products to Europe.. To enter the European market under the EVFTA Agreement, Coffee products must ensure no residues of plant protection drugs, Ensure all the very strict regulations of this fastidious market. When coffee products enter the EU market, tariff barriers have been removed, Accordingly the return tax is equal to 0%, value for farmers, businesses and importers are sustainable.

However, Coffee products must have traceability, High Quality, have geographical indications, enforce the EVFTA Agreement processes that have been controlled from exporters and importers. Yearly, Co., Ltd. Vinh Hiep exports approx 50-70 tons of coffee of all kinds for the world market, Inside, export to the European market accounts for 60%. The turnover of export turnover is achieved 150 million dollars. Season 2019-2020, Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd has exported to Europe market approx 34.000 tons of coffee, includes products such as roasted and ground coffee, instant coffee, pure coffee and clean coffee.

Currently, the coffee products of Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd have achieved all international certifications 25.000 The unit's coffee ha. From US certifications, Japan, Europe, Korea, including certification from sustainable organizations; Inside, There are Dutch about FOSI, DELFORES. Especially, Vinh Hiep Co., Ltd. is the first coffee company in Vietnam to achieve USDA certification of the United States.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Online conference implementing the implementation plan of the Vietnam Free Trade Agreement – ME (in the EVF)

Day 6/8, At Hanoi, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired the online conference "Deploying the EVFTA implementation plan".

Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong spoke at the Conference

The meeting was held right after the Government's Program of Action to implement EVFTA was signed by the Prime Minister (yesterday, 5/8) with 5 group of main missions.

EVFTA is a new generation FTA, have high standards, overview, large opening and balancing benefits for both sides. Particularly for Vietnam, research by the Ministry of Planning and Investment shows, Under normal conditions, the agreement will contribute to an average increase in GDP 3,25% for the period 5 first year of implementation, to 5,3% for 5 next year and up to 7,72% in 5 the following year. According to another World Bank study, If the EVFTA and CPTPP are implemented simultaneously, Vietnam's GDP may increase further 3,2% in the decade 2021-2030.

With a strong commitment to opening the market, commitments to abolish import duties up close 100% EU tariff schedule, EVFTA is expected to open up opportunities for Vietnamese businesses to increase their exports to the EU by about 42% in the year 2025 and close 45% in the year 2030 compared with the scenario without agreement and increase the attraction of FDI into Vietnam.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized EVFTA is “highway” promote economic growth, opening up great opportunities for Vietnamese businesses to enter the EU market at scale 15.000 billion USD. But this is also a high standard market, requirements are strict so there will be no room for a business that lacks persistence, lack of creativity. “EVFTA is a condition for Vietnamese businesses to upgrade themselves to join global supply chains, especially when many EU corporations are shifting production to Vietnam ”.

The Prime Minister also said that, The biggest problem is enterprises' limited awareness of this free trade agreement, so take advantage of the humble opportunity. Not to mention, The EVFTA came into effect in the context of "the fierce headwind from Covid-19" driving the supply chain, The global market was disturbed. Even so, EVFTA is still expected to be a big boost for exports from each side.

Leave the "expressway to the EU" clear, The Prime Minister stated the communication requirements, human resource development, the infrastructure, compete in the domestic market with EU products….

Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh – The agency plays a key role in the implementation of the EVFTA implementation action plan, It is said that removing barriers in production and business activities through administrative reform is a condition to help Vietnamese businesses make the most of the opportunities that EVTA provides..

In this respect, Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong said it was necessary to drastically change institutions if "do not want Vietnamese businesses to be removed from the game". The leader of the agricultural industry promises that in the industry will create every favorable opportunity for businesses.

Minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong emphasized: “Implementing this agreement with the view that both win, not only with Vietnam, to exploit the full effectiveness of the agreement. To do that, we have to overcome ourselves through economic restructuring, enterprise".

Emphasize "forced change if you want to adapt, take advantage of opportunities", Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc requested the ministries, the proactive sector and locality, promptly issue legal documents, internalize commitments and guidelines to implement EVFTA.

With associations, enterprise, The Prime Minister recommended “to change the management mindset, business, Pay more attention to social obligation assurance, labor standards and principles of environmental protection ". Prime Minister affirmed, Government will play a constructive role, create a legal framework, encourage businesses to upgrade themselves to seize the opportunities that EVFTA offers.

(Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Promote agricultural development in the direction of commodity production

According to Ea Sup district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dak Lak province, The fields from cultivation to animal husbandry in the district have all put machines into production to increase productivity, Quantity, improve economic efficiency. Typically in rice production, the stage of making the soil is above 95%; Plant protection spraying stage reached 100%; harvest reached 100%; irrigation reaches 100%…

Field workshop on improving rice quality in Ea Ro commune


According to incomplete statistics, The entire district currently has approx 3.200 machines of all kinds. Inside, 18 combine harvester; 724 tractor; near the 1.200 motive water pump; 230 food processing machines (milling machine, classify, Polish…); 65 motorized spray ...
A typical example is in Ea Bung, This is a pure agricultural commune, so the local authorities pay special attention to applying scientific and technical advances, plant restructuring, pet, building agricultural production models for high economic value.
Ms. Hoang Thi Hang, Commune Farmers Association chairman said, now, The rate of mechanization in agricultural production of the commune is above 95%. Implement agricultural restructuring towards increasing added value and sustainable development, models appeared in the commune, mirror production, Good business brings high income, contribute to economic development – local society.
Along with investment in mechanization in agricultural production, The district is also focusing on branding a number of strong local agricultural products. In order to link rice production in a sustainable direction, Organic, month 8-2019, Cooperative (HTX) Rice Ea Soup was established with 15 members are farmers in the area. Through the N25 rice variety test, the rice yield was long, white, sticky rice, suitable for farming conditions, The cooperative has mobilized the members to organize production 60 ha using new rice varieties with a commitment to product sales.

Mr. Do Duc Thiem, a member of the cooperative said, when joining a cooperative, The members are guided to cultivate according to the process, using organic fertilizers to replace inorganic fertilizers; taking biological drugs, Minimize the spraying of harmful pesticides, ensuring safe rice grain quality. Besides that, when participating in production, Farmers are supported with seeds, deferred payment fertilizer, technical guidance, output consumption with stable prices.

Along with rice, to increase the value of mangoes, One of the Ea Soup's specialty fruit trees, 15 specialized mango farmers in the village 10 (Ea Bung commune) Ea Sup mango cooperative established with the above cultivated area 25 he has. Ea Sup mango cooperative maintains its operation under the model of self-managed and self-benefiting member households, Cooperative stands out to find the market to consume products, sharing experiences in production, Affiliate with agents, a reputable fertilizer supplier, seedling. Join the cooperative, Members are assured about the output of the product, from there, be more bold in investing in taking care of the garden.
Mr. Tran Quang Trinh, Deputy Head of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ea Sup district said, the whole district is close 1.300 ha of fruit trees, output close 2.000 ton, in which the area of ​​mango trees accounts for approx 60%. Linkage models help farmers transform from spontaneous production to planning production, improve product value, Supplying a large quantity of goods, quality. The newly established cooperatives still face many difficulties, However, it has done well its role as a "bridge" to guide people in applying science and technology, to use new yielding varieties, High Quality, guaranteed output for agricultural products, help members feel secure in production, income stability.
(Source: Ministry of Agriculture&PTNT)

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