Author Archives: Vitad Agri

How biodiversity-linked commercial development can aid COVID-19 recovery?

No rainforests are being cleared to grow palm oil and rubber / © whitcomberd

A new call to action to help countries turn BioTrade into a lever for pandemic recovery and adaptation.

First, Global Summit dedicated to biodiversity held on the day 30 month 9, Leaders of various countries say the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity for countries to put ambitious action plans at the heart of their post-Corona economic recovery strategies..

One of the tools used by countries is Bio-Trade (BioTrade) – the concept of harvesting, manufacturing, conversion and commercialization of goods and services derived from biodiversity according to the BioTrade Principles and Criteria , a set of guidelines emphasizing environmental sustainability, social and economic.

Members of UNCTAD's Steering Committee on BioTrade have issued call to action towards countries to promote BioTrade for better economic recovery after the pandemic, because the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can create jobs and economic growth while protecting the global environment.

“Commercial Link, Biodiversity and sustainable development are an imperative path towards enhancing community resilience and adaptation., the private sector and ultimately the national level in COVID-19 recovery efforts”, Lorraine jaramillo, UNCTAD economic official said.

BioTrade for recovery and adaptation

Initiative BioCommerce by UNCTAD is one of the measures to promote legal trade, sustainability and traceability for biodiversity-based goods and services in line with the objectives of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, endangered wild plants (CITES).

BioTrade partners and other actors have called on countries to foster a balanced relationship between post-COVID-19 economic recovery policies and various aspects of sustainable development..

“We call for this to be done through conservation, regeneration, sustainable use of biodiversity and building socioeconomic and livelihood benefits, especially in rural communities” citing part of their joint statement.

According to the signatories, This will contribute to building a good future, Healthier and more sustainable for everyone: nation, enterprise, community and people.

The Parties emphasize that the sustainable use of biodiversity and the trade in the products and services it derives from it is closely linked to the building of sustainable livelihoods..

“Biodiversity is the main source of food security and household income, secure the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and rural communities. It is also a hub for biodiversity-based companies.”.

Avoid future pandemics, increase action

The statement notes that “trade in products and services of biodiversity friendly origin is an essential factor for reducing the risk of occurrence and spread of avian influenza and therefore the risk future pandemics in the post-COVID-19 world”.

The declaration calls on countries to step up actions to achieve these United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , the goals of global biodiversity framework after year 2020 and Paris Agreement about climate change.

States should promote sustainable trade in biodiversity-based products and services under fair and equitable benefit-sharing schemes., according to the statement.

Members state that economic incentives for conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity, such as BioTrade, play an important role in the recovery period after COVID-19.

Such initiatives can directly contribute to limiting and preventing biodiversity loss, Deforestation and habitat conversion, Pollution activities and illegal wildlife trade, they say.

Members reaffirm that the Principles and Criteria for Bio-Commerce Year 2020 of UNCTAD also as relevant tools and standards can help countries develop sustainable industries and businesses based on biodiversity, while at the same time shifting towards local economic development through sustainable trade.

Source: UNCTAD

Export price of pepper in the year 2022 is forecasted to continue to hold high

Export price of pepper in the year 2022 is forecasted to continue to hold high

According to information from the Import-Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), in year 2021, Vietnam's pepper exports are estimated at 261 thousand tons, value 938 million dollars, reduction 8,5% in quantity, but increase 42% in value over the year 2020. For the whole year 2021, The average export price of Vietnam's pepper is estimated at 3.593 USD/ton, increase 55,2% over the same period in the year 2020.

Good news for pepper growers

Whereby, in year 2021 past, Vietnam's pepper exports have a shift in market structure. Proportion of exports to US markets, ME, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan rose, while the proportion of exports to the Chinese market, ASEAN down.

Especially, in 11 may 2021, Vietnam's pepper exports to many markets increased in both volume and value, including: USA, United Arab Emirates, Virtue, Pakistan, Netherlands, Korea, Brother. Remarkable, The amount of pepper exported to the Dutch market increased to 52,7%, reach 3,17 thousand tons.

Besides that, Many markets increase to buy white pepper from our country like Thailand, China, India, Spain. Bring the total export output of white pepper 11 may 2021 reach 21,2 thousand tons, value 106,23 million dollars, increase 2,3% in quantity and increase 58,7% in value over the same period of the year 2020.

Export of pepper in the year 2021 estimated 938 million dollars

Statistics from the China Customs Administration say, pepper import turnover of this country in the month 10/2021 reach 4,79 million dollars, reduction 1,3% compared with month 10/2020. Although China reduced pepper purchases from Indonesia and Malaysia decreased, but increased buying from Vietnam, Brazil and India.

Are known, in 10 may 2021, Chinese chi 14,54 million USD to buy pepper from Vietnam, increase 15% over the same period in the year 2020. Vietnam's pepper market share in China's total imports increased from 25,85% in 10 may 2020, up 31,76% in 10 may 2021.

Good news for the pepper industry, That is, in recent years, the structure of exported pepper has changed quite a lot.

Businesses have reduced exports of raw pepper, instead, promote the sale of pre-processed or intensively processed varieties; promoting the export of products to serve the cosmetic industry…

Step into the year 2022 this, Import-Export Department forecasts, Export pepper prices will continue to stay high. The pepper industry continues to exploit traditional export markets such as the United States, ME, United Arab Emirates.

United States, Vietnam's largest pepper export market, With the economic situation showing signs of recovery, the demand for pepper will increase.

While, Vietnam's pepper has created a fairly solid foothold in the US market. The competitive advantage of Vietnam's pepper products compared to other export markets is quite large.

Constantly improving quality, keep the brand, market expansion

Comment on the shifting structure of Vietnamese pepper, The Import-Export Department believes that, year 2021, Vietnam's pepper has a strong shift in the structure of export products. Citing statistics of the General Department of Customs, in the first half of the year 2021, exports of black pepper and white pepper decreased in volume, but increased sharply in value, while exports of ground black pepper and ground white pepper increased sharply in both volume and value over the same period last year 2020.

Changing mindsets, grow pepper organically, Actively looking for output for products has helped Vietnam's pepper conquer domestic and foreign markets with higher prices..

However, This agency also forecast, Vietnam's pepper exports will face difficulties in the last months of the year. Pepper exports to main markets tend to slow down or decrease sharply. Presently, The amount of pepper left in the population is not much, while the export business is not much “salty” due to the "galloping" increase in shipping costs and strict disease prevention measures in many localities.

“Vietnam's pepper exports in 1-2 Next month will have many restrictions due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, while congestion at southern seaports and high shipping rates will be obstacles to pepper exports.. Pepper prices are also considered unlikely to increase sharply due to improved supply when Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil enter the harvest of the month 8 and September”, Representative of the Import-Export Department commented.

Therefore, to have a competitive advantage in the world market of spices and flavorings, After Vietnam got the disease under control, Localities and businesses need to have a plan to restore production, application of advanced technologies for processing, develop a variety of products, take advantage of incentives from new-generation free trade agreements that Vietnam has recently joined to boost exports.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development inspects pepper cultivation in Dak Nong province.

On the side of Vietnam Trade Offices abroad, Mr. Bui Trung Thuong, Vietnamese Trade Counselor in India said:, India's spice production is about 3 million tons per year. Spices are also a billion-dollar export product of this country. India also imports many spices, including pepper. India imports pepper from Vietnam about 25-30 million USD / year.

Therefore, for seasoning, Vietnamese flavorings successfully exported to India, Mr. Bui Trung Thuong recommended, businesses that need to apply science and technology or research and develop products, for example a variety of seasoning ingredients mixed into 1 spices with characteristic flavor. At the same time, Businesses also need to learn the flavors of other countries to make products that meet the tastes of this market, create competition with similar products of other countries…

In charge of the Vietnam Trade Office in Saudi Arabia, please pay more attention to businesses, main packing material for herbs, spices and seasonings in Saudi Arabia should be glass, flexible packaging, paper and paperboard, hard plastic and others. Packing boxes come in different varieties such as vials, chai, the bag, package, tub, box, bags and tubes.

For European market, Mr. Pham Van Hien, Director of LTP Import Export B.V Netherlands Company shared, for Vietnamese spices to penetrate the European market, Businesses need to carefully study this block market. If companies do not have a market research room, they can participate in fairs like Anuga of Germany to promote their products., Refer to the information on the association's website, European professions.

Source: Xuan Hien – Journal of Organic Agriculture

Remove problems in licensing, agricultural field quality inspection

Remove problems in licensing, agricultural field quality inspection

The Government has just issued a Resolution on removing problems related to licensing, certificate, quality control in the field of agriculture and rural development due to compliance with regulations on prevention of, fight against Covid-19.

Solving problems related to licensing, certificate, quality control in the field of agriculture and rural development. Illustration.

Resolution 165/NQ-CP dated 30/12/2021 stated by the Government, It is permissible to apply the following measures to remove obstacles in inspection performance, evaluate, monitor, expertise, sample, analysis… (hereinafter collectively referred to as evaluation) directly at the site to issue permits, certificate, decision, written consent (hereinafter referred to as the license) or periodic reviews, quality control in the field of agriculture and rural development due to the application of regulations on prevention, fight against Covid-19.

One is, apply online assessment in the case of manufacturing facilities, business, conformity assessment organization, the licensing authority responds to resource requirements, technical means of implementation (calculator, Internet connection, software application, recorder, record…);

Or extend the license term 6 month (for a term license), maximum postponement 6 monthly monitoring and evaluation activities; or make a temporary license maximum 6 month, Import quality inspection on the basis of complete dossier review, valid without having to conduct an on-site assessment.

Two is, manufacture factory, business; conformity assessment organizations are responsible before the law for the accuracy of information, document, image, documents provided to the licensing authority.

The on-site assessment will be carried out after localities control the epidemic according to regulations on prevention, fight against Covid-19; immediately revoke the license for the organization, individuals who violate the law and handle violations according to the provisions of law.

Three is, based on actual conditions and management characteristics of each field, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guides the above measures to ensure production activities, business of the organization, individual is not stalled, discontinuity, while ensuring the state management; Coordinate with Ministries, relevant industry inspection, check, detect and promptly handle violations, ensure the effectiveness of state management.

Source: Mai Chien – Vietnam Organic Agriculture Magazine

Agricultural products waiting for the domestic market

Agricultural products waiting for the domestic market

Although, The agricultural sector had impressive growth during the year 2021, However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, it has had a significant impact on the import and export of agricultural products.

China is still an important market

Mr. Le Thanh Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Product Processing and Market Development (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) share, Currently many agricultural products are in the crop, There is great demand. Song, China's Covid-19 surveillance policies are increasingly strengthening, maintain “Zero Covid” mode, while Vietnam advocates living with the epidemic.

“Problems at the border place demands on agricultural processing, Lam, Vietnam's seafood must change, especially when the Lunar New Year is approaching”, Mr. Hoa said.

People of the Capital “rescue” jackfruit for car owners, due to not being able to export goods to your country.

According to Mr. Hoa, some items such as seafood, Refrigerated vegetables and fruits will be closely monitored by China. This is one of the main reasons why customs clearance capacity at the border gate has decreased by about half in the past time.

In order to solve the problem of agricultural product congestion, The agricultural sector has organized many inspection teams, check, monitor traffic situation, Import and export of agricultural products at the border gate, and localities.

Although many ministries, ban, The industry entered the fray, Many localities have not had time to regulate goods. This situation leads to many trucks carrying agricultural products to the border have turned back to big cities like Hanoi.

“We need to focus on good consumption of products that are in season. Enterprises capable of deep processing, or is there a preservation technology that needs to be involved in this process, avoid the situation where the price of agricultural products falls deeply”, Mr. Hoa emphasized.

Mr. Hoa added, despite the difficulties of customs clearance, The bright spot of agricultural products is that the export value to China is still about 1,7 billion USD; proving that China is still an important market for Vietnam.

Since 1/1/2022, China applies the Order 248, Command 249, and the policy of strictly managing the border economy, and promote the official import and export. Mr. Hoa commented, This is the problem that businesses, Vietnam industry associations need to pay attention, next to improvement, improve production process to ensure product quality, ensure the ability to participate in the large supermarket chains of China.

Switch to domestic consumption

Deputy Director of Lang Son Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Dinh Thi Thu said:, The export volume at the border gates of the province is currently just under 100 vehicle/day/gateway and most of them are dried products, but very little fresh fruit.

According to Ms. Thu, The total number of traffic jams in Lang Son is now about 2.900 car, is decreasing, But the main reason is that many cars turn back to domestic consumption; especially after Pingxiang announced to stop importing dragon fruit from 00:00 29/12 – 24h 26/1/2022.

The current, at Lang Son border gate is still more congested 2.000 car.

Last time, Lang Son has many policies to support businesses, Long-distance drivers are stuck at the border gate like reducing service fees, Free treatment if the driver has Covid-19. Besides that, The province also regularly strengthens, strengthen relationship, Information with Chinese localities to support customs clearance of agricultural products.

According to Ms. Dinh Thi Thu, In the coming time, the export of agricultural products is expected to face many difficulties, especially the Lunar New Year is approaching.

“The Chinese side will suspend the import of goods on refrigerated containers in 28 the day of the Lunar New Year, Inside 14 the day before Tet and 14 the day after Tet”, Ms. Thu added.

Before that situation, Ms. Thu suggested that superior units need to hold more high-level talks to clear customs 2.900 Cars are still congested before the Lunar New Year.

Besides that, Lang Son agricultural industry representative also suggested businesses, Industry associations have plans to promote processing, domestic consumption in the current difficult export situation.

Enterprises ready to "rescue" agricultural products

Mr. Dinh Cao Khue, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dong Giao Food Export Joint Stock Company (Doveco) information, Currently, the company is consuming a large amount of agricultural products that are stuck at the border.

Specifically, Every day the Company consumes about 100 – 150 tons of agricultural products of all kinds, especially mango products. Last time, The company also cooperated with Dong Thap, Tien Giang to have a supply for processing agricultural products.

“Currently we still process mangoes in large quantities. If the units have mango products, pineapple, Passion fruit or banana has difficulty at the border gate, The company is ready to support consumption”, Mr. Dinh Cao Khue said.

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hong, Director of supply chain planning of Nafoods Group said:, The company has many manufacturing plants, processed all over the country, with design capacity 100.000 ton, equivalent 300.000 tons of raw materials/year.

The main products of Nafoods are passion fruit, pineapple, mango, Annona, Cashew nuts… Time from now to Tet, Nafoods can support passion fruit and dragon fruit. Products at the Northern border gate will be shipped to Nghe An, The South will bring it to Long An. Output approx 1.000 ton.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam confided, in the condition that China restricts the import of agricultural products, including Vietnam's main fruits such as dragon fruit, have, Watermelon, many domestic enterprises have said they are ready to process, buy agricultural products and turn back from the border.

"Come here, We need to see clearly that the potential of the domestic market is huge. We need to actively change our mindset, The government also has a multi-market policy, multiple benefits”, Deputy Minister Nam said.

Source: Mai Chien – invest in building a local vegetable processing facility

This can be done through improving access to assets: This can be done through improving access to assets

This can be done through improving access to assets: This can be done through improving access to assets

The State of Agriculture and Food Global Report (SOFA) 2021 of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently published reveals the fragility of agricultural systems around the world and offers solutions on how to deal with unexpected shocks.

Countries need to make agricultural systems more resilient to unexpected shocks such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. These shocks are the main drivers of the latest global increase in hunger. According to SOFA report 2021, Without careful preparation, unpredictable shocks will continue to damage agricultural systems.

This year's State of Food and Agriculture Report is titled "Making agricultural systems more resilient to shocks and stress".. The report focuses on assessing the ability of national agro-product systems to easily respond to or recover from shocks and stressors.. The report also provides guidance to Governments on how to improve resilience.

Nowadays, about 3 billion people in the world can't afford a healthy diet. SOFA report 2021 estimated that there will be more 1 billion more people join this ranks if another shock abates 1/3 their income. More, Food costs can add up to 845 million people if there is a break in important transport links. SOFA defines shocks as “Short-term deviations from long-term trends have a significant negative effect on the system, health status, asset, Livelihoods, human safety and resilience to future shocks.” Examples include extreme weather events and outbreaks of plant and animal diseases and pests.

Even before COVID-19 broke out, The world is still not on track to meet its pledge to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. And while food production and supply chains have historically been vulnerable to climate extremes, armed conflict or increase in global food prices, The frequency and severity of such shocks is increasing.

Specific action

The World Agricultural System – the complex web of activities involved in the production of food and non-food agricultural products, as well as preservation, process, transport, distribution and consumption, produce 11 billion tons of food every year and create jobs for billions of people, Directly or indirectly. The urgency to strengthen the resilience of agricultural systems cannot be delayed.

The report also provides national indicators of the resilience of agricultural systems in more than 100 country in the world, by analyzing factors such as the transport network, commercial flow and availability of healthy and varied diets. Although low-income countries generally face much greater challenges, but the report shows middle-income countries are also at risk. For almost half of the countries analyzed by FAO experts, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times 20% Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times.

Therefore, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times.

Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times – Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, manufacturing, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times, Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times – Closing of important transport links will increase local transit times. Supporting the development of small and medium agricultural enterprises, Cooperative,… will help maintain diversity in the domestic agricultural value chain.

Another important factor is connectivity. Well-connected agricultural networks will overcome disruptions faster by changing sources of supply and transport channels., marketing, input and labor.

Final, Building the resilience of vulnerable households is critical to ensuring a world free of hunger.. This can be done through improving access to assets, This can be done through improving access to assets.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture will not be struggling to plant any crops, What children to raise

Restructuring agriculture “It is not about determining what tree to plant, What children to raise because this will be corrected by the market, decision”, according to the new Minister Le Minh Hoan.

Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development Le Minh Hoan responded to his interview VnExpress of his plans for the new position.

What will be your priority to direct in the near future??

– Term 5 The year was thought to be long, but the world is constantly changing, Everything changes rapidly over the years, month, even weekly, daily. So, I think I have to act now, turn new challenges into thrust, seize the opportunity in time, mobilize thinking resources inside and outside the apparatus to contribute to bringing agriculture to continue taking off; the countryside changes in a modern direction with rich identity, improve the farmer's quality of life.

Industrial revolution 4.0 is already, is and will happen at an ever higher rate. So, The first thing I care about is that Vietnamese agriculture doesn't suffer “miss the train”, And we do not judge agricultural growth solely by productivity, Quantity, it must be based on the built-in values, go into depth, have sustainability.

I think that there must be solutions to the knowledge economy to penetrate agricultural production and each farmer. The circular economy must develop further, turn agricultural by-products into products of higher added value. Value chain of agricultural products must be formed, instead of a vulnerable chain due to conflicts of interests and market events.

I hope in the near future, Vietnamese agriculture will successfully create a brand of clean agricultural products, safe and high quality. For this goal to come true, then effort, an individual's single desire, even being in the head of agriculture won't be enough, but need a hand, commitment of an entire ecosystem, including the participation of farmers, producer, enterprise, institute, school, the scientist, including media…

– Used to be Secretary of Dong Thap, How he will bring successful local experiences into the national agricultural development?

– Ago 5 year, Dong Thap goes into agricultural restructuring with a consistent viewpoint: This is not a matter of determining what tree to plant, What children to raise, how much planting, how much to feed, for this the market corrects, decision. But whatever you plant, how much planting; What children to raise, How much farming is based on three core factors is “co-operate, link, market”.

Co-operate show through the farmers, production facilities removed together “knot” fragmentation, small and small through collective economic forms, Cooperative, Farmers' Assembly… Whereby, the farmers are not out of the question, they are encouraged to join together to take advantage of the power of the masses, Cut the cost, increase quality, Applying the results of science and technology, science and technology.

Link is the connection between producers and businesses. It is vital because farmers cannot go into production without knowing where the market is, how much do you need, need products with regulations, standards like. These things businesses are very knowledgeable through negotiation channels, capture information. Knowing the market's requirements through information sharing, linkage mechanism, People will be more active in production.

Market decide both producer and consumer, So farmers and businesses need to define the market target as the top priority. Production cannot be optimized when output is ambiguous, heavily puzzling, depends on market luck.

The key is to choose your target. The previous goal was to focus on supply, try to produce more output because we think that the higher the yield, the higher the farmer's profit, the growth of the agricultural sector was greater. However, The market economy does not have that definition. Little production but quality, higher value, low cost, still have higher profits. For example, ST25 rice compared with other varieties, the yield is not as high, but its value is very high.

– What direction will agricultural restructuring be when no longer identified “What tree to plant, What children to raise”, Sir?

– We must move from a productive mindset to an agrarian economic mindset. Opinion “agriculture is an economic branch, not just pure production” will activate a variety of new approaches, add value integration, opens up many opportunities for development.

Besides that, agriculture must integrate multi-value, not unit value anymore because buyers now buy goods also care about value, the utility of the goods, product, not just the price. The market has changed, transfer from demand “satiate” sang “eat it well”, “eat clean, safe, Many nutrients”. Therefore, Production also has to divide many streams according to the needs of society. Besides solving the problem for the majority, we must respond towards “personalization” The needs of the user group have different needs.

We are assigned to the research department, creating chain of goods in each commune, The state will support the farmers, production households, preliminary processing house cooperatives, conservator, technologies, suitable technique.

– How is the role of the farmer in the orientation you outlined above??

– We want all farmers to be well trained, Training certificate issued. “Professionalization” Agriculture is an urgent requirement and helps farmers to develop more sustainably, limit market risk.

We cannot immediately have a roadmap. State must have the responsibility to support training, training, training for farmers. Dong Thap has opened such training classes, Farmers can go to school, know what is food safety and hygiene, the law of supply and demand, Sustainable Development, both production and environmental protection…

Someone will say “I didn't ask the government for anything, words I eat, hole I bear, Why does the state force me to do this, like that?”. But what if the driver has to go to school, examination, license exam because their actions affect the safety of road users, Farmers are also involved in food safety and hygiene, affect public health, impact on the natural environment.

Unsafe food due to the misuse of pesticides by farmers, The first and foremost harm is the health of the producer, consumer health, at the same time unbalance the ecosystem, the natural environment, impact on biodiversity – That is a valuable resource of the whole community, for generations of people, not just one.

So, I sincerely hope you all understand this training certification story. Knowledge is a way to help people protect themselves, responsible farming, thereby creating the brand of Vietnamese agricultural products.

Is the person who makes the product, But the farmer is weak, the season is off, output is not stable. What do you say about this?

– The farmer needs to realize that his life is up to him. Want it, The farmer must have a strong will, positive thinking, instead of coal, responsibility or rely on relying on. The current agriculture cannot follow the harmonious natural law, “looks heaven, looks land, looks cloudy” again, because agriculture farmers are facing climate change like extreme weather, greenhouse effect, depletion of water resources.

To create tremendous added value instead of progressive increase in productivity, Quantity, farmers must have knowledge corresponding to the knowledge economy. To optimize my life, The farmer must be equipped with commercial skills, technology, Biological engineering, not merely production skills. To be able to enhance their position in society, the farmer has to get out of the way of thinking only knowing “Get smart industrious”, but must develop with confidence, assert yourself, actively integrate into the community.

Besides that, the whole system must have many programs to support training, Farmers training new stage. Thinking “Each district is a fortress”; “The bright lights every man, Everyone's fields work” need to be radically changed, because only when linked together, The new farmer is no longer in a weak position.

The state will also have solutions to build “value chain of the industry”, “industry ecosystems”; Call on more investors to participate in these “Public affiliation cluster – Agriculture”. Besides that, “supply data – demand for agricultural products” will be collected and transparently progressed to the formation “agricultural product trading floor” under the support of digital technology.

When complete data is available, timely, exactly, The supplier and consumer business will have points that meet in quantity, price, time, payment methods… Policy-making and enforcement agencies also rely on this data for analysis, adjust policies to support production and development, impact the market properly, flexible, timely.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Contribution of Biotech crops to Agriculture in Vietnam

Day 7/4, At Hanoi, Seed Trade Association (VSTA) with Central Vietnam Farmers Association (HND) and International Organization and Application and Acquisition of Biotechnology in Agriculture (ISAAA) has co-organized the workshop with the topic: "Contribution of Biotechnology Crops to Agriculture in Vietnam". With the participation of representatives of state management agencies, the scientist, Representatives of the Department of Agriculture of the provinces, international experts, domestic and foreign companies, The workshop is a forum for sharing information on current status of biotech crop application (CNSH) globally as well as in Vietnam and discuss economic impacts in particular, The society and environment of biotech maize follows 5 year of domestic farming license.

Opening speech of the workshop, Mr. Tran Xuan Dinh, vice president, General Secretary of the Vietnam Seed Trade Association said: “In the first decades of the century 21, to the agricultural sector, we see a scientific breakthrough, especially biotechnology with the invention of genetic technology, gene technology, microbiological technology ... Many cultivars created by biotechnology are present in Vietnam, Help farmers transform crop structure, pet, Increase income by increasing yield and reducing the cost of pesticides. ”

Biotechnology (CNSH) Application in agriculture is considered one of the outstanding scientific achievements of the last century, So far it is being proved superior by increasing global application data as well as economic impacts., positive society and environment that technology brings to farmers, consumers and communities. As reported by ISAAA, with more 3 African country, The number of countries cultivating biotech crops has increased 29 in the year 2019. Inside, 5 The leading country with the largest acreage of biotech crops is the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and India. Estimate, approx 1,95 billion people, equivalent to 26% World Population, to benefit from biotechnology in the year 2019.

Dr. Rhodora R. Aldemita, South East Asia Regional Director cum Director of the ISAAA Global Knowledge Center for Biotechnology added: "Year 2019, in total 190,4 Millions of hectares of biotech crops cultivated make an important contribution to addressing food security issues, Sustainability, mitigate climate change as well as improve the livelihoods of more 17 Millions of farmers applying biotechnology with their families globally. Vietnam is one 3 the country has a double-digit growth in acreage under the biotech crops along with the Philippines and Colombia ”.

Global analysis of biotech crop impacts, Dr. Graham Brookes - PG Economic Institute has cited the data in the most recent study published year 2020: “Up to the year 2018, The total income increase goes to farmers cultivating biotech crops 19 billion US dollars – that is, for every US dollar of additional investment in biotech seeds, the extra profit is 4,42 U.S. dollar. Besides that, year alone 2018, Biotech crops also help to limit the total amount of CO2 released into the environment approximately 23 Billion kilograms is equivalent to elimination 15.3 million cars circulating on the inner road 1 year". Theo TS. Graham, Farmers, especially smallholder farmers in developing countries, benefit more clearly from biotech crops., not just from increased crop yields (from 10 next 16,5% Depending on the type of crop), profit increased (average approx 103 USD / ha) but also helps to reduce the amount of pesticides used, thereby reducing negative impacts on the environment 19% (according to EIQ index).

In Viet Nam, Biotech crops have been officially licensed from commercial cultivation 2014-2015 on corn plants. Maize is also one of the main crops in the agricultural production structure and Vietnam is also one of the most cultivated maize countries in the world.. The introduction of biotech varieties at that time was seen as one of the important tools to help continuously improve productivity and quality of production., value added and made corn farmers more profitable, thereby strengthening Vietnam's capacity to secure supplies for the domestic food and feed chain.

Year 2019, Total cultivated area of ​​biotech maize approx 92.000 hectares, account for about 10% total corn area in the country. Especially, double-digit acreage growth rates in recent years suggest that farmers' adoption of this technology is increasing.. Namely 2015, The application rate remains modest at approx 3,500 Occupied hectares have not arrived yet 1% total area; Until now, the application area has increased 26 times. Only compare the stage alone 2018 – 2019, the growth rate is 86%.

In the year 2019 – 2020, Vietnam Seed Trade Association in collaboration with Institute of PG Economics (England) conducted a study evaluating and analyzing the effects of biotech maize on the following herbicide tolerance and insect resistance transgenic traits. 5 year of cultivation. The study conducted interviews with maize farmers (both conventional and biotech maize varieties) in key corn producing regions of the country. This is also the first farmer-level study in Vietnam on biotech crops.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Ministry of Agriculture&Rural development investigates organic agricultural production models in Ca Mau

Day 5 and 6/4, The mission is led by Mr. Tran Thanh Nam, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development was the leader of the delegation for the survey, capture information on some rice production models, organic rice stage 2020 – 2030 in Ca Mau province. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Van Su received and worked with the delegation.

The afternoon of the day 5/4, The team surveyed the actual organic rice production model at Vien Phu Company Limited, An Phu hamlet, Khanh An commune, U Minh district. This is one of the largest organic farms in Southeast Asia, with the total area 317 he has. The unit has been maintaining organic product certification from the United States and Europe by Control Union since years 2012 and Hoa Sua Foods organic food chain.

Vien Phu's products have been provided to consumers in fastidious markets such as: Brother, from, Singapore…

Ca Mau has conditions, advantages that many other places do not have or have to make a multi-year switch from using chemistry to organic.

Types of agricultural production today such as: shrimp farming under the mangrove canopy (Forest – shrimp), shrimp farming intercropped with rice (shrimp – paddy), Rice cultivation and other medicinal crops have great potential to be produced according to organic agricultural standards. Ca Mau has had initial successes in agricultural production in this form.

About fisheries, from year 2016 now, shrimp area – certified forest 19.000 ha of shrimp farming according to standards (Naturland, ME, Seafood Watch, Manrove, Cannada…), 600 ha certified ASC.

About shrimp – rice combination, year 2020 has built a shrimp production model according to Vietnamese organic standards with scale 50 ha in Tri Must commune, Thoi Binh district.

About cultivation, from year 2018, Ca Mau agriculture sector has directed the units to coordinate with 5 company connected with 4 cooperatives link organic rice production and consumption in the province at scale 900 he has, provided above 3.000 tons of commodity rice reaching organic standards.

Morning 6/4, The delegation continued to have a visit to the model of rice production – organic shrimp in the cooperative (HTX) Tri Luc shrimp rice, Tri Luc commune, Thoi Binh district. This is one of the most effective cooperatives of Ca Mau province in the agricultural sector. Inside, models of clean rice production, Organic rice has been gaining traction, participation of farmers in the area.

After surveying models in U Minh and Thoi Binh districts, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam has suggested a number of problems in organic agricultural production (NNHC) for the province.

Many members of the delegation had positive reviews on organic rice production, organic shrimp from Ca Mau. However, according to members of the working group, want to develop effectively, attract people to invest, There is a need to come up with a standard organic production process. Want to produce, organic rice cultivation, organic shrimp farming with a large investment, the output price must be higher, for farmers to see the benefits, thereby boldly converting.

Businesses need to accompany people in organic production, need to attract more businesses to invest, in order to avoid the risk of monopolizing input supply as well as purchasing output products.

On the provincial side, according to the plan, in year 2021, Department of Agriculture&Rural development focuses on developing industrial processing: building organic rice shrimp models at scale 50 ha according to Vietnamese standard TCVN 11041-8:2018 in Thoi Binh district; to develop organic rice material areas with a large scale 1.500 ha according to international standards and 50 ha according to Vietnamese standard TCVN 11041:2017 focus on Thoi Binh district, U Minh and Tran Van Thoi; build scale organic vegetable production models 5 he has; building a model of organic sapodilla banana cultivation at a large scale 5 he has, focus in U Minh district and develop pig raising model, farm organic poultry, scale 60 pig and 3.000 Cock, focus on U Minh district.

To perform, Ca Mau reviewed and adjusted the planning to integrate NNHC production zoning into the provincial master plan.. Identify crops, pet, Aquaculture has advantageous potentials, has high economic value to put into production NNHC.

Human resource training, promote the application of science and technology to industrial processing, construction of production processes, Process agricultural products to meet domestic and international standards for organic certification.

Supporting businesses to build brands for shrimp, paddy, organic bananas, market development and promotion of NNHC products. Develop policies to support the development of industrialization, urges investors to come to Ca Mau for high-tech agricultural production, producing NNHC according to long-term orientation.

To develop NNHC of the province in the coming time, Provincial functional branches also make recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture&Early Rural Development guides the planning criteria, Organic production zoning for localities to review the integration of the province's general planning. Ministry of Agriculture&Rural Development is supporting Ca Mau province to develop projects for developing NNHC for aquaculture and cultivation..

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Cam Cao Phong brand development

Peace- land famous for Cam. The main crop brings high economic efficiency to the people of Cao Phong district. Year 2014, Cao Phong orange certified Geographical Indications. Year 2016, The International Intellectual Property Institute issues certificates “Top 10 trademark, 5th famous brand ". Quality, prestige Cao Phong orange product makes a breakthrough in the agricultural development of the province. Committees, District authorities and people are making efforts to implement many solutions to preserve and develop the Cao Phong orange brand name.

The current, the whole district is on 3.000 Orange, tangerines of all kinds, Inside, period area
joint on 1.700 he has, area of ​​the basic construction period above 1.200 he has. Season 2020 –
2021, The output is expected to reach 38.000 ton. To improve the quality of oranges, from year
2015 now, The district has many supportive policies for people to maintain, area expansion
planting oranges according to VietGAP standards, Organic. Now, district is on 1.000 ha with 759 households
participate in planting oranges according to VietGAP standards; 1.147 ha is certified for the facility
Qualified for Food Safety. With that, The district promotes trade promotion activities
through the organization of an orange festival, participate in trade fairs in your provinces.
Year 2019, the district has 5 products recognized to meet OCOP standards, all have
Derived from oranges. Inside, 2 product reached 4 sao, including: Fresh fermented orange juice and
oranges for high-end gifts from Ha Phong cooperative; 3 product reached 3 sao, including: Orange gift
high-ranking of the Cao Phong 3T agricultural product cooperative, Orange juice and orange juice from Ha cooperative
Phong. According to the assessment, The district's OCOP products are of good quality, form, models
pretty, highly competitive. To enhance brand oranges and manufactured products
Variable from orange, year 2020, The district is determined to upgrade the standard, striving 2 product
potential to propose LETTER to assess and recognize the product achieved 5 sao; the products are
recognition 3 star lifted 4 stars and more 3 products meeting provincial OCOP standards.
Cam Cao Phong has established a reputation in the domestic market and is export oriented,
However, Recent years, The use of Geographical Indications is still difficult. Status
People voluntarily planting oranges outside the planned area still takes place, disease on orange trees
develop; Orange price tends to decrease… Comrade Quach Van Ngoan, Chairman
District People's Committee said: Next time, to elevate Cao Phong orange brand, District
conduct a review, to build hi-tech application agricultural production zones,
clean agriculture, Organic agriculture is associated with the processing industry. Promote real estate
export of oranges in the value chain. Development of preservation industry, Processing oranges and fruits after harvest
plan to improve product value. Increase trade promotion activities.
Accelerate inspection work, quality control of oranges circulating in the market
school. Resolutely handle violations of Geographical Indications.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Growing organic vegetables brings high income for the people

In Dinh Du commune, Van Lam (hung Yen), Hai's family has bravely invested 200 million construction 800 m2 is a net house to grow vegetables organically, profit each month 7-10 million dong.

The current, capture the needs of many state employees, outside working hours at work, still enlist planting, trading in some safe vegetables and fruits, to increase income. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai is from Dinh Du commune, Van Lam (hung Yen) is one of them.

She subleased the village's cultivated fields and borrowed it 200 million dong, build 800 m2 of net house, Membrane houses for growing organic vegetables. Results from over a year now, besides the source of vegetables for family needs, Every month, her family makes a profit 7-10 million VND from cultivating clean vegetables of all kinds (All investment costs have been subtracted, including depreciation of infrastructure construction).

According to Hai, to ensure that there are clean vegetables to harvest every month, She chose to cultivate short-term leafy vegetables such as, improved chip, cabbage, sweet cabbage, Spikes reform (approx 20-30 collection date 1 litter, depending on the type of vegetable), and only fertilize vegetables with decomposed organic fertilizers, Homemade compost water.

But the difficulty of these vegetables is high susceptibility to pests (mainly earthworms and bugs). Worms cause year-round damage in the underground part of the vegetable plant, because the mustard roots are quite sweet. The most damaging outbreaks occur in the month 1 -2.

To prevent worms, periodic 3-4 batch of vegetables, Hai again sprinkle lime powder on the field, then plow and flip the ground, Then put the water to soak 2 day, Exhausted and dried the field for planting next batch of vegetables. Also when testing found the soil pH < 6 then add more powdered lime, Helps reduce acidity and prevent vegetable worms (Soil pH meters are easy to buy on the market).

With bugs and other worms, Hai can control with homemade pesticides, include: 1kg of chili + 1kg of garlic + 1kg of ginger + 5 yeast fruit + 5 liter of light wine, Soak in a glass jar. About more 1 month, get out mixed with clean water (ratio 1/1.000), Spray the vegetable field continuously 7 day, since the vegetable plant has 2 real leaves (spray 1 1 time / day, early morning or cool afternoon).

Fertilizing vegetables also do the same: Buy 5 yeast fruit, 1kg of diameter, 0,5kg of rice bran, 3 yogurt box, 3 digestive yeast packages (kind used for children) and 10 liters of filtered water. Soakable 7 days then add 10 liter of filtered water again, from 7-10 the next day, Grandchildren to water evenly on the bed surface before sowing vegetables, will help restore beneficial microorganisms, inhibits harmful microorganisms, increase soil porosity.

At the same time, Ms. Hai also soaked soybean seeds, Freshwater fish waste with super phosphate and sliced ​​banana stem, After he got water to irrigate the vegetables.

With organic fertilizer, Hai only buys chicken or bird droppings, after mixing with Trichoderma preparation (ratio 1/1.000), and then packed in bagasse, anaerobic incubation 45-60 New day to take out to fertilize the field of vegetables.

Her experience shows that Hai, Leafy vegetables grown in a greenhouse will be shortened 1/4 growth time compared to sowing in the wild, help increase production, increase production, increase salary.

Although vegetables grown in the above-mentioned way are not as fat and beautiful as vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers, But thanks to the good reputation, so where the product is made, is always ordered by everyone close to them, at a higher price 1,5 market sale.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

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